A _ Dr. Frank L. McVey, president of the University MARRIAGES OF INTEREST    
m.— > of Kentucky. Subject, "The Executive Power." DURING THE SUMMER    
{Mus- l Wednesday, October 22-12:45 to 1:00 p. m.— · _    E. A
ns   John   Gardner. lrlald agent 111 H01‘t1011lt111‘e; sub; The marriage of Miss Sallie Love Prichard to     {
· iect, T11`f1ely W111t€1‘ Care for the Garden. Mr. Robert Johnson Grehan Jul 8th Ne Y k   it
, A . 2 y ; W OY i , _
s' · , Fordyce Ely, Professor of Dairy Husbandry; sub- (]ity_ 1    
_N R  - JGC1- “K€ntu°ky Feed Laws}, (Second talk) Miss Nan Burgess Chenault to Mr. Gerald Fer-     ; .
l. sob; · A Tlsmiidayi Octeber 23i;)l)2i451l3;>511O0 D.   rar Marshall, July 3rd, New York City. “ Y   r  
’ g1`1€11 111‘a P1°0g1`a111· i 0 Z D- 111-— 11S· Miss Florence Rogers to Mr Alfred Stanho it   1 E
._ _ _ __ ’ pe it 2 t ;
_Ag_ ical program- 1-15 10 1-30 P- 111- Dr- H- 11- 1>iu~tw¤u·d, 30, August ard, Midway, Ky. as   e g
' Downing, Associate Professor of Mathematics Miss Bornioo M Ed d ,     , g
l (in charge of Astronomy); subject, "PODular W Robinson Jul 'i2iiliVai1;iS’ its if ML Walker     i  
‘_Ag` Astronomy, No. 5." ` _ ’ y _ ’ ew or C1ty‘ Z We j   
_Earl HMISS Ruth Bonnm, ex. ’30, to Lt. James R.     > i
i.—Dr. _ *‘_‘ ' ester, ,29, July 24th, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. ·   Y  {
Slliy of FOOTBAIJL GAMES AT KENTUCKY Miss Rozanna Ruttencutter, ’30, to Mr. George . A      
 y TO BE RADIOCAST FROM THE FIELD E- WaPl€S» A11g11S 12th, Covington, Ky.   ‘ I
1- 111-- l ____ Miss Sara Norwood Walker, ’28, to Mr. Young- if    l
». m.— if you are able, Sprightiy, and healthy, this er Ai. Staton, 29, June 21st, Lexington, Ky, ·   _  l
_ news will not interest you. You will not be satis- Miss Ellen Dale, ’28, to M1'- Marion Clark, ’27,   Y - i A
l' m`? ~ fled with canned entertainment but will demand June 26th, Eminence, Ky-       L
_il‘lguii' the amusement "in the iiesh". Miss Pauline Claussner to Mr. James Johnston, in   1 .
_.C ' (ni - Perhaps, however, you are suffering with June Meh, Mel?1'0P0llS, Ill. if   l
;S,;_0n_ _ stock-market-itis or some more physical disease M1SS Mary Riley, ’26 to Mr. Ralph W. Raach, li-= Y  j
· that will have a confining effect on you this fall. ·l1111e 28th, LeX111gton, Ky.     _ 
m·_NI  i Then you will be glad to know that the·Univer- Miss Eva Browning Penn to Mr. George W.      
ianSiS_ i sity 1n cooperation with WHAS, the Cour1er-Jour- Scott, August 13, Louisville, Ky.     · .
` ’ i nal and Times radio station in Louisville, will ra- Miss Maiorie Kimbell, ’29 to Mi._ Ed Baits,   F  `  "
m_i - diocast three of the University of Kentucky Var- Frankfort, Ky_ -   1 
` `  - sity football games this fall. Two of the radio- M- Mn- M . _ _ ‘  
illlemt  ’ casts will be local to WHAS, while one, the Ala- Jone1;SCa\le12ityarI?3l1 Bayer to M1. Wm. Basil     L
' N bama game on November 1, will be put on the l _ ’ `     `
)· mi i southern circuit of the WJZ chain of the Nation-    f
·_‘E3;l al Broadcasting Company. HOMECOMING i    
    » The first game to take the air will be the Wash- _ _ _ {   
sf gr 0 A ington and Lee game on October 18 and this will The C1`1111S011 T1d€ 1`1`0111 Alabama Wlll How 01}  if  1 
3 0V*  . be followed by tho inntoli with Virginia en Oete_ Stoll field on November 1, and Kentucky alumni ’   1 
A boy g5_ The radieeasrs for these games Wiii will iiow into Lexington for the annual home- l    
P- 111-**   prgbably start at 2:00 n_ mo and end at 4:30 er coming of Kentucky students of former years. 5    
P- m·"  · 5:00 p. m. Plans are under way to make this the biggest     - 
l Tho A]abama-Keni;neky radieeast On November homecoming in the history of the university, the '   _ 
p. rn.-T   l Will Stott at 1:45 n_ inn and besides WH AS, seating capacity of the stadium has been increas-     O
-Mus1-   Louisville, will inolndo WSM, Nashville; WMO, ed, and all are assured that seats will be available.   _ 
ll-    = Memphis; WSB, Atlanta; WAP} Birmingham; Following the game there will be a tea given by    
itics (111  A WSNB, New Orleans; WJDX, Jackson; and prob- Dr. and Mrs. McVey for the returning alumni,    
lar As- l  I ably WCKY, Covington. Tho announcing will be and in the evening the Lexington Alumni Club   Z.
,  i done by oiiicinis from the main Studios of WH AS will hold its annual homecoming dance in the    
.--N. R-  ' and those from the University Studios. Special meals $ymnss1um» for Whlch there W111 be a Small   *
ts; sub- O microphones in front of the band and in front of admission ehe*`ge·   L
’ _ the rooter Sections Wih add ooior to the game Many will tune in on the broadcast of the g l .
n_ in, · For the Virginia and Alabama game, Miss Helen homecoming game, but many more will be here     ·
io; sub. King will review the fall styles as she sees them. to see it and help urge the Wildcats to victory c   ·
Tho radiooasting activities of tho University over a teams that seems to hold the sign over us. _ ii i; O
p. m.» · · are under the direction of the Publicity Bureau. May We 00111115 011 y011? » `   . 
P- me I c 1    *  
P- m·' 1 .    il