‘l       ?; It     I
_ I Ie I _jg;g t , · {   I
I  . _   ‘ ‘V I; There is one thing that we must not lose Sight great team mates will be minus only one man of Q
V  I   c I . of about the coming 1930 season. Remember importance to the 1929 machine, Tony Holm_
j     3 Q that football has very little history or past. It "Spinner" Campbell and Suther, the two great  V
.   I I   contains almost entirely facts and events of the Alabama half backs whose injuries in early sea-  ‘
,     I I i present and the future. Therefore, let’s all try son ruined them from a 1929 championship will  _
  II I   I     to do our best to side-step a rock-bottom 1931 be With them again this year. Remember, this  _9·
II _ .   season. By this, I mean that it looks as though is Mr. Wade’s last year and what a year he desires ¥
=     I   l g the 1930 freshman team will be the weakest in to have. Only one thing can we promise; that  .
. i I Q i   I years, when in reality a real one is needed more the game Will be played, We believe the best team _
  = , I than at any other time. We must remember Will win and, at the worst, the greatest battle of .I 
 _   I Q p . , we graduate thirteen men at the close of this all times is assured.  i
.     ‘ llext seasonal rear- Our annual feud with V. M. I., is at home again  I
 V   . .<   I     to Enthusiasm should generally be divided and this year. They have always defeated us at least  V
V;   Ii l        carried out over a longer period. Our respect half of the game. Dunn will be their outstanding .
I   t  A   I V in an athletic program to all our opponents is backfield man this year. G 
t E   » l l · ;   always that of consistency rather than of Short During this episode of description, I did not I
I ?   ’ ;j I 5 dumtlom   take you to Duke I 
‘ · i I IN   lll the C°“Sld€m'   Wltll ller and lhas-
I Z   2 IV I I l I tioll of 0lll` home   RALPH WRIGHT, much as I am sure  _
 I l I eleerle lleeuelr   t new   will all eo o  .» ,
I ,V I l out the eeeoe l   'l`ermessee» i ust re- Q2 
  I. - l thought it would he   ... ._ memloer Hook and  I
I   V I well to give e little   Dodd With a much A I
I u data ohIthe Person-     ...»   ·-.... _ _._._ better lme in front l QI
.   . nel or some of the I·   I»II it ’‘’` Z"Y‘l’i§¥t§IIIii?   of tlrem· V, 
I Tl ~ °l’l’°“°’“I°S .l° be   .-   i ZY--»   lu the considers  
  I la seer here me felt .ia;;V{; Ie‘· A     tion of our sched- f
;» .; Vi Sewanee will prolo-   _ _,_.. E   ole from year to —  
il . . ¤ eblll Present me of ’   ...— r   year, especially in  
-. l its great ball oelrl`l·   the matter of large  V
I   er» Bololoy Werrelt   ’l’II n on — conference or  
i   i l who made sueh e c.   `I‘‘‘·l‘·· it r:~l II Iei`‘t’ I ‘e‘‘‘I T 1:Q I`’I’I   interseotional games *:
  . _ ~ great reputation at   VV   ·,»i _   I.would like to say _Q 
  I V _ Morgan Bell Acad-   ; I   ._e’ tg, I   that our school is ill Q
il I I emr m Neelmllle e    ,.,..._ , .,._ _ the most handicap-  =
le I I couple of Years ego-   pod position of its  ·
  I ~ I A lo rok e o eokle   eareor- it a tern Iee. —
  I t I » kept this greet loeek   is an inferior team,  
  _ `. from showing any   t h c y can always  
_ tl A , real promise in his W`-I" WT" schedule a large I
II   I Sophomore year. With the Generals of Washing- game on their larger opponent’s field, This type KI 
l .   top & Lee we will face Skyscraper Williams, the of game is generally known as a practice game for It 
1 l ; , great end that makes us all shiver while one of the larger institution. From an inferior team one I
I   I   their f 0 1* W a r d paSS€S €l1"€ 3·il03t- Tlllbl· H”ll1SlJ 1‘lSe to supreme heights or otherwise you will ’
_ g     Q deau and lVIadoX are their great lJl'11’€hlt lll Plgeklll not be classed as a real money maker for the teamS  t
j . l transportation. while Mitchell, a 200-pound full about to place you on their schedule. In other
  ‘ l back, is 3.lW3.yS d3.Hg€YOuS running thru any line. Words, the UniV€1·Sity Of Kentucky must   to 3
I   From the Virginia Cavaliers comes the migh— higher levels of recognition. An institution of pi
 _ I ty Thomas, whose reputation was not far from our type can not afford to play a team for car- I
, Z * the top as a ball carrier and passer this last fare, due to the heavy financial expenditures ill ;% 
,   ‘ g year. Virginia had a great freshman team this its athletic program. For instance, our school _  
l   _ p   past year and they are naturally expected to im- sponsors four major sports, besides numerous I
Q     prove Some. minor sport activities as well as paying off lalge I
c I lg} , _ · g• The monstrous flowing tide from Alabama will indebtedness in its athletic plant. With contiiilr 1
II   I _ I then enter our gates presenting one of their ous growth, a larger stadium and basketball  
I I . greatest teams of all times. Sington and his building will be built. It is not necessary lll  
 A  .
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