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` l
ADULTERATED room Pnonncrs. 95 V  
f 1
a Joda Fountain Drinks and Grape Juice. l
Number of samples analyzed ........................................... 69 T
_ Number of samples not found adulterated .............................. 43
Number of samples found adulterated ...................... . ........... 26 _
Number of samples containing salicylic acid ........................... 18
Number of samples containing aniline dye ............................. 16 p
Number of samples containing cochineal .... . .......... . ............... 1
L4 The subject of adulteration with regard to the ma11y soda foun-  
tain drinks is of no small importance. The soda fountain is pat-  
L; — ronized by children and young people largely, and to those who A  
· consume the larger portion of these drinks the antiseptics, arti- ’  
1- ficial coloring matter, and artificial flavors used are most harmful.  
M3 The base of the drink served at the fountain is carbonated water, ‘f.
M8 which is considered benencial and is most refreshing. When a ’ 4_
if fresh fruit flavor is added to this carbonated water, together with  
»}’ ice or ice cream it is a most delightful drink. When spoiled stock, ‘°
lg doped with antiseptic, colored with aniline, and artificially fla-
l0 vored, is added, the carbonated water is but contaminated with a
H- mixture deleterious and unnt for any stomach. ·
d» An investigation of the better class of these fountains shows
if much adulteration that should not be permitted, or, if permitted,  
it should be rigidly restricted so that those who patronize them .
can in every instance know the character of the drink served.
Samples of a well-known brand of grape juice was analyzed, and
a violation was reported to the county attorney. The manufactur- A
ers of this juice then immediately withdrew their stock, and sub-  
15 stituted, at the same price, a grape juice containing no antiseptic.
h The antiseptic found was salicylic acid. Grape juice is used to a   _
6 great extent in the sick room, and invalids especially should have  
such antiseptics regulated by a physician’s prescription.  
mit "Pepsinade," advertised to be an "aid to digestion/’ contained a 3
3 large amount of salicylic acid, which has a strong inhibitory influ— t V} R
. . . . . 'l *
le ence on ferments, and 1S recognized as the most antidigestive of `  
’ Q V the antiseptics.
im. , Oleomargarine.
de Number of samples analyzed ...................... _ ..................... 62
Number of samples found adulterated .................................. 62
Number of samples colored with aniline dyes in imitation of butter ...... 54
Number of samples colored with annatto in imitation of butter ......... 6
Number of samples colored, color not determined ........................ 2
Number of samples containing boracic acid ............................. 18 [
2 I
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