xt718911pw2d_95 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. UK Calendar for Commencement Week program text UK Calendar for Commencement Week program 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p2/2010ua027_p2_1/2010ua027_p2_1_16/3369/3369.pdf 1932 January 1932 1932 January section false xt718911pw2d_95 xt718911pw2d lHlIiIJBl3'5it]g uf Eicxriuzkg
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jlmmarg 24, 29, 1932

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3:30 p. m.——Baccalaureate Procession forms
in College of Agriculture Build-
ing and on walk leading to Me-
morial Hall.
4:00 p. m.—·Baccalaureate Sermon, "A Mind
to Match the Age", Dr. Homer
Carpenter, Pastor, First Christian
Church, Louisville, Kentucky.
5:30 p. m.—Faculty Clubl Tea for the mem-
bers of the Graduating Class and
their friends.

2:30 p. m.—Commencement Procession forms
in College of Agriculture Build-
ing and on walk leading to Me-
morial Hall.
3:00 p. m.—Commenceme¤t Exercises. Ad-
dress, “Your Alma Mater", Dr.
James Thomas Cotton Noe, Col-
lege of Education, University of
4:30 p. m.—President and Mrs. McVey at
home to Alumni and to Guests
of the Graduating Class, Max-
well Place.
7:00 p. m.-Alumni and Faculty Dinner for
the Mid-year Class of 1932, Uni-
versity Commons, McVey Hall.

L. K. Frankel, ’00, President
Hon. ]0hn Y. Brown, ’26

 The University of Kentucky Alumni Association
requests the pleasure of your company at a dinner in honor of
U the Mid-Year Graduating Class
at the  
University Commons {
]3I1l12I`y fW€Hfy-I1iH€
one thousand nine hundred and thirty-two
Plate 75 cents 7:00 P. M. Please reply
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