


Spectators Brave Inclement
Weather to See Kentucky
Defeat Georgetown College in First Game
The Kentucky Wildcats defeated the
Georgetown Tigers Friday afternoon,
by a score of 8 to 3, In the first varsity
baseball game on Stoll Field this season.
With the sun playing
behind the clouds, and a cool breeze
blowing in the face of the crowd as
sembled on the bleachers, Captain
warriors took the Held to prevent
old Kentucky from suffering defeat by
Tiger claws.

Zer-fos- s'

Shades of 1918 Seen.
Familiar faces were to be seen in
various positions on the Wildcat diamond. Kohn, Muth and Mlzrach were
In the garden; Propps and Zerfoss
were scampering around the second
cushion, Thomas was preparing to
"take 'em off behind the bat," and
"Doc" Lasley was adorning the pitcher's mound. Two first year men in
the University were pccupying the
corners of the infield. O. Brown, from
Louisville, was on first and "Dutch"
Burnham was on third base.
Jim Parks, a graduate of the University of Kentucky, a big league
pitcher of wide reputation, and now
the director of athletics at Transylvania University, called "Play Ball" at
4:00 o'clock.
Lasley's Style Is Starlike.
The dependable southpaw of the
Wildcats, iLasley, who earned for him
self such an enviable reputation last
season, started the first game of the
season. He walked the first two men
up, and then settled down to real Wild'
cat style of pitching. Several times
during the game he showed his ability
to pitch himself out of a hole. He
struck out five men and fielded well.
In the seventh inning Slomer, a new
comer and a twirler with speed and
curves aplenty, was given a chance on
the mound. He allowed only four hits.
Thomaa began his second season with
the Wildcats as backstop, with the
same old pep and dependability. Captain Zerfoss played a steady, errorless
game at shortstop.
Propps got two
clean hits, and had the distinction of
making the first score for Kentucky.
Mlzrach poled out two safe hits, one
of them a
and brought in
three runs. Kohn secured two hits
and two runs out of three times at the
Tiger Pitcher Gets Poor Support
Bailey, pitcher for the visitors, did
not receive the support due him from
the field, and worked hard in the
pinches to keep the score down. Errors were plentiful in the Georgetown
field, and especially at third base.
Dean, of Georgetown, and Kohn and
Mlzrach, of Kentucky, furnished the

(Continued on Page Two.)

A debate Is being arranged


the Horace Mann and Union Literary
Societies and the Phllosophlan and
Patterson Literary Societies. Preliminaries are to be held in the different
societies and the winners will debate
in an open meeting In chapel. The date
will be May 8.
Those who will probably try out in
the Horace Mann are: Irma Wentzell,
Amanda Forkner and Adele Slade,
Those scheduled for the try out in
the Phllosophlan are: Kathleen Brand,
Katherine Herring, Claribel Kay, and
Edna Snapp. It Is thot that E. S. Dab
ney will represent the Union and M. C.
Redwine, the Patterson.
This is the first event this year In
which girls have participated in de
bates. As the debating season draws
to a close, rivalry Increases between
the men and women debating teams.
The skill of the boys has already been
proved and it remains for the
to demonstrate their ability in the de
bating field.




Two Games With Volunteers
Will Be as Good as Any
Wildcats Will Play This
In the Volunteers from Tennessee,
Kentucky's Wildcats will find a worthy
foe, according to all tips, when the two
teams line up on the Stoll Field diamond next Friday and Saturday afternoons.
The Volunteers encounter Centre
College at Danville on Tuesday, then
will march over to Lexington and
camp at the Phoenix hotel for several
days. From this location they expect
to launch four "drives." On Wednesday they will engage Georgetown College In Georgetown, returning to Lexington to meet Transylvania on Thursday. Friday and Saturday the Kentucky Wildcats will come to the rescue
and stop the attempted invasion in the
conflicts of those afternoons.
Tennessee is confident and so is
Kentucky. Meek, who won two games
from Kentucky last year, is expected
to pitch one of the games this week
He will be opposed either by Lasley
or Slomer, who promise to convince
him that he has been in a real base
ball game before the decision is ren
dered. Callaway, who is conceded to
be the best shortstop on any Southem
college team will appear this year in
the Volunteer's
This is his
year on the Tennessee team.
exclusive of the
pitchers, will be practically the same
as in the Georgetown game: Brown,
first base; Propps, second base; Burn-hathird base; Zerfoss, shortstop;
Muth, left field; Kohn, center field;
Mlzrach or Sauer, right field, and
Thomas, catcher.


APRIL 17, 1919




Cast is Selected For "The
Two Virtues," Philoso-phia- n
Literary Society
Virginia Helm Milner and Margaret
Dean Harbison will take the leads in
"The Two Virtues," the play to be
presented by the Phllosophlan Literary Society.
Selections were made for the cast at
held Saturday night at
a final try-othe home of Miss Sallie Bullock Cave,
at 178 N. Mill street. Rehearsals are
being held every night, with progress
which promises to result In the best
production ever staged by the Phllo- Bophian.

Miss Milner, the charming star of
"You Never Can Tell," Is displaying
the same ability in the role of Freda
Guilford, which was admired in her
appearance as Gloria In last year's
Miss Harbison who takes the part of
Jeffrey Panton, leading man, is mak
ing her debut in University dramatics
this year. She will undoubtedly make
good use of this opportunity to exhibit
her histronic ability.
Other former stars were chosen for
the cast.
Miss Alma Bolser, whose inter
pretation work in last year's play was
unusually excellent, was given the part
of Lady Milligan. Miss Bolser is ill
at present and Elizabeth Marshall Is
doing splendid work In her part. She
will continue to rehearse as Miss Bol
ser's understudy.
The role of Alice Exern, companion
to Freda Guildford, will be taken by
Elizabeth McGowan, who appeared as
the "irrepressible Philip" in "You Nev
er Can Tell." Miss McGowan was one
of the leading characters in the Philo
sophian play given year before last,
The entire cast is as follows:
Jeffery Panton Margaret Dean An
Freda Gulldfords Virginia Helm
Alice Exern Elizabeth McGowan.
Lady Milligan Alma Bolser.
Claude Jervolse Fan Ratliffe.
Isabel Jervolse Louanna Duckwall
The Maid Kathleen Brand.
The Butler Clarlbelle Kay.
The exact date of the play will be
announced later. At a recent business meeting of the society, Virginia
Helm Milner was elected stage manager, Clarlbelle Kay advertising manager, and Frances Marsh property



No. 19

A meeting of the Democrats, includ
ing aspiring suffragettes of Democratic
April 19, at 11:30 a. m. in chapel. Are
you Interested in the questions of the
coming State primary? If so, come

Old Man" In Chapel For First
Time This Year to Address
Student Eody.



Close Guarding
President Emeritus James K. Patterson will speak in chapel on Friday to
the Seniors of 1919. His subject will
be of his own choosing.
This is the first time this year that
the "Grand Old Man of the Campus"
has appeared in chapel and one of the
largest audiences of the year is expected. Dr. Patterson has been in
vlted many times this year to speak
in chapel but the inclemency of the
weather has confined him to his home.
The extraordinary vigor of his intel
lect has served to belie the usual con
sequences of 86 years of life and altho
his health is not always good, he Is
as active in thought as a far younger
The Senior class will attend in a
body and occupy "Senior Corner." Other classes will occupy their respective
places. Freshmen will sit on the north
side of the chapel, Sophomores in front
of them and Juniors and visitors to
their left. Moving day exercises will
be held soon and it Is important that
each class know its position.

and Fast

Playing Feature; Wilhelm,
Rogers Cousins and
Gorman Star

Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity
basketball team defeated the Sigma
Nu quintet in the finals of the
basketball series in the gymnasium at the University of Kentucky
Wednesday night, by a score of 8 to 6.
With the gymnasium filled with enthusiastic students wildly cheering
their favorites, basketball teams representing Sigma Alpha Epsilon and
Sigma Nu fraternities met Wednesday
night to play off the finalB of the
basketball series. Enthusiasm, excitement and gripping interest reigned supreme in the audience
from the time "Daddy" Boles, in the
role of referee, blew the starting whistle until time was called by the timekeeper at the end of the game. The
features of the game were close guarding, fast playing and accurate teamwork.
3. A. E. Gains Lead.

The first point made in the game
was by Sigma Nu, when Wallace threw
a foul. But the slight lead gained by
Sigma Nu was soon overcome by one
of the most spectacular shots of the
entire basketball season. Jimmy Wilhelm, from the center of the floor, shot
Immortal Senior Court Pub- a fast one thru the basket for the first
lishes Rules Which Will two points in favor of S. A. E. Duane
Rogers, the fast forward for S. A. E.,
Insure Uninterrupted
soon added two points, and before the
Health Obeyed
half was over Wilhelm had shot anThe "Thou Shalt Not's" of the Sen- other field goal, making a total of 6
ior Court were prepared In a recent points for S. A. E. At the end of the
meeting and are herewith published first half the score stood 6 to 1.
for the benefit of those concerned.
Score Becomes Close.
The Kernel learns from good authority
In the second half the audience was
that It has always been indicative of
a deep understanding on the part of held in breathless suspense. Both quinFreshmen to respect and obey every tets played hard and showed excelmandate of the court. It has even lent teamwork. Foster was substibeen rumored that certain Freshmen tuted for Logan in the S. A. E. lineup.
who have been incautious in their ut- Sigma Nu began to pile up points, makterances respecting the court have ing S. A. E. work hard to keep its
lived to regret such actions very much. lead. Sigma Nu guards prevented S.
The Kernel's informant wishes it A. E. from getting any points during
known that the laws published do not the first part of this half, while Gorin any way annul those now in exist- man, easily the star for Sigma Nu,
ence, whether contradictory or not. added a field goal and threw a foul,
The rules for the governing of Fresh- making a total of 4 points. Connell
men and other lower classmen follow: and Foster, guarding Sigma Nu for1. No underclassman,
shall walk wards, did not allow them to make a
across the paths made in the grass goal during the entire game.


plots on the campus, or walk across
the newly laid sod.
2. No underclassman
shall throw
any refuse or puper scraps on the campus.
3. Every underclassman
must salute
4. No Sophomore or Freshmun will
bo allowed to smoke on the steps of
the Main building.
5. Canes and corduroys are restricted solely to the use of Seniors.

Interest was intense. V. C. Ropors
Colpltts, and shoot a goal from a difficult position. Rogers is only 5 feet
2 inches tall, but he played the position of forward like a veteran. Gorman
followed with a field goal for Sigma Nu
making the score 8 to 6 in favor of
S. A. E. Three minutes of hard playing had not changed the score when

(Continued on Page Four.)

(Continued on Page Three.)

Rogers Prevents Tie.
