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S  A '     ez THE cADET.  
      cities and empires that rose beside its waters, flourished,  
A       decayed and became a memory; of others that shall rise  
        and also pass away———so we to-day, having met for the  
      last time at Kentucky State College, stand on the shore  
l     of life’s unresting sea and think of the joys and sorrows,  
      of the perils and adventures that await us on our great  
·       voyage.  
 _   .t__     Doubtless in many a weary hour, when all nature was  
 l       hushed in silence and there was naught visible lout our  
_   ~   books, nothing audible but the nocturnal strokes of the  
2       great horologue of time, we longed for that period when  
      we should bid our Alma Mater adieu. ,  
  gg   During this seemingly long but really fleeting interval,  
    we have met those from whom we are to depart, but  
e       never to forget—the friends of our college life.  
-f   No more are we to share the arduous toils andjoyous  
        pleasures of the recitation room. p  
· ‘   No more are we to frequent this goodly spot where  
    knowledge sits enthroned.  
  ly No more are we to listen to the familiar class-call as  
M ;   it rises from the verdant campus to be wafted by the  
’     breeze over this beautiful city. ‘  
_ I   “ Of all other days, this, which marks our separation,  
I   has a peculiar significance.  
_ - l {nf There is a feeling of gratification within us; there is  
` A j` , an incumbent duty awaiting us ; there is a sadness which  
  we can not express.  
p li? May each of us prove faithful to the task that awaits  
E   him, and may we all enter that fair country to which  
I   we are bound; where we shall displace the earthen cup  
‘   by the golden chalice; where we shall turn our feet  
  from sterile moors to fragi·ant groves; where we shall  
  open up to our vision fruits that never become tasteless,  
  and a source of liappiness that shall never cease.  
  To you, dear school-mates, who, in the near future,  
ir ` 2. 
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