l-low to LlV€.....¤nA _   i
I d .
_ Do not eat adulterated food, which you surely do U  
when you buy inferior Groceries, but try to get ‘
t the best, if it costs you a little more. When you V
` see an ad. calling your attention to an article ‘
, that is being sold for less than regular dealers l
are asking for the same, you can depend upon it i
p — that it is adulterated. If you want to live .
I Q ._ ‘ l
  A Long Tllll€—-....r t
t i l
And enjoy good health, eat wholesome food. ` ‘  
. Anything in the grocery line, both domestic and t _
· fancy, of the best quality and at the lowest prices ; { .
· can be found at _ {
.115. Rogers 8 Glo.,  
. (Successors to Lindsay, Rogers & Co.) I  
, g;  
i Grocers You Gan Trust_ _ »
Cor. Upper and Water Streets.   Q
A A-..... 3  
d A_Fv1.L Linn op j
  And everything in the Studenrs’ line.