»   The Largest Spring  
  { T  Line in the City.  
E Suits From $13.50 up. Pants From $4 up. it
  Send us your cleaning and repairing .
      [/‘ W. T. MORRIS & CO., §
I    lg" 107 East Main Street.  
 »   ;’leXT;/' ` N0. S West_N\z1in Street,  
#      % Z Z gggw  
    ·~».       Lexington, Ky· E`?
;· ‘-».J  
1 g   Th Zj” `
t   e " Legaang PhOtOgl'°3ph€l°,  
·   Nettnagel Bros., \NOTlCE1!  
  .5 Proprietors 0f_,tbe STUDENTS, SEE  
’               mr your   ·
2   0 Bf l S      
  n  ~..   M;mu{g_cmre1·s of ` Tv    
  ‘."·;·— Flour, MQQL "Mm F€€d· 1 He gives you a special rate.  
  } 66 Walnut Street- Short Street,opp. Courthouse. ti
\/A VV:
‘   S““m*”· R°P“““· G0 T0 GHUIKSHANK, the Shoemaker,  
e \ Fon Renmimno, tj
  ’ B 1   G   First Class Work.  
  Special Rates to Students.  
  C y   6 C O ’ snimsr xmxmir & uno.  
i · Thos. B. Dewhurst, Prop.        
o e Agents. I ,
t Opera H<>¤¤€ Bldg- L<‘>Xi¤€t°¤- 5I N.:Brnadway. Patterson and Merino.   i
  . t e t t