I \ F E A T U R E
i 1 jr I  [My           p ' Coovert said she knows that she will benefit from the I
i, ’“ ‘‘’‘ “   ee‘e '  . ' " T   ‘ Living/Learning Fine Arts community simply by being .
I gt » _ M I r _;  surrounded by the other artists in her building — not just .
other musicians.
participates in a Discovery Seminar Program.'I`his is an rtl can draw inspiration from athat Peoples any She
optional program, opoo only to rrrrrroror students, which tattt-Satht at tht athat ttttttahtt aattttthattha th tha.tt>th·
offers three-credit-hour courses that have no more than thtthttv mctttdc mdmduats matmmg m tttattta Wmmg
25 students in each class and are taught by some of UK’s and art Smdwt at WGH at rata! majors 1
roorr prestigious professors. Coovert participates in roo Caavatt tattt that aa amenity that tha attd tha Othtt
seminar, "Trends in Pop/Rock Music and Culture," with Student? att antoymg m New Natth Dorm IS 3 baby
W the other students on her floor. This class, taught by gragd plan? in One at tht lounget . .
Kevin HOlm_HudSOH’ meets twice 3 Week in the dorm I love,l1v1ng here and I would certainly recommend it
and discusses the history of rock ’n’ roll. Although she ta Otherst She Saud
comes to the class directly from another class on campus,
it’s very convenient for other students who are already in Been Th€I"€j DONE ThC\t
the dorm. , . .
in {g;itaI;g;Itg1taga.tg,;gt;g,ghah and that that tawhttattt $a)y5l;i:ggEltliggiiqocri’1§tiii1dlifg(;isiit)li/$i;ir;\tOSi§pZ;,i"lf8V500 5808 E800 floor of F85i880ti8i dorms this fall. UK President Lee T Todd Jr. said the new residence halls represent
i 50808 houses 8 full i