1 UK Honors Three Alums I
The Dale E. Baldwin Hall is named after a former cheerleader and States to earn a graduate degree in mechanical engineering. John T. 5 
1990 graduate of UK who became a quadriplegic as a result of a Smith Hall is named for a Lexington native and UK graduate who be- I
cheerleading accident. Margaret Ingels Hall pays honor to a UK came the Hrst African American to serve as a vice president at the uni-
· graduate who, in 1920, became the Hrst woman in the United versity. The New North Hall will be formally named during the
ass: because his dorm room is only about 10 steps away from i
  A___     the facility on his floor. "I just wish it was cheaper," he
was how much like a grand hotel it seems. “I came in Dale   Baldwln  
here BildI1U$l3HtlYthOUght,"Th€ Hilt0Hl” Bethan Smith, a freshman in the re—nursin ro ram,
_ _ Y _ P _ E P S ,
lives in the Dale E. Baldwin Hall and 1S the daughter of
MGFqGTEt Ingels   Greg and Ann Lewis Smith of Lexington. Her mother is
Michael Christian MCMhm is in his Second Car OH a 1977 Health Sciences and 1990 Graduate School alum
campus and is majoring in material science>engineer_ 3Hd Currently works in hospital administration at the UK
in HG is 3 Le ac Chandler Medical Center.
    Tlikion Pmgrin S};u_ Smith is another central Kentucky student who is
  . J 1 dent, the son of 1987 lgggjpiiéoaggigge g J
—     a. ag. Arts and Sciences d P f d Bethany Smlth
¤ ,:6  in grad MichaelA. ?fVZm§1?€ O . Crm , . . __.__,_ .
   p `   Mciviihh aha 1985 ‘ C an, ‘?"‘“‘,‘;$ _ f  
...4;, . V__l Engineering alum nevvlre ations ipsa ,   I;
  Sandra Vaniglia h Wa? amaiztc ,   L  it , _ _
   a  lVlClVll1'1I1.Tl`l€ family {Ot 6 S“‘§"§y 1;*.     >
. _,      ‘ ii,  had lived in North ayout an f 6. ‘g`   » L —~
I .   ~_.\/ q _ ...    _ · _ ger rooms, said    
V       i s   Carolina, but re Smith .
      ‘,;l   Q   cently moved to the Ban from L€X_   \-/
    l ,.j»t I   `      Kansas City, Kan., . g . . A
       jgjrjp :·   ;» >’  area 1HgtOl'l, Sl"l€ IS €I'1_]Oy- V
e —- I   I   `    ` ' ing life in the dorm, "’”""""
E ·   gi        I   YQU can Count she said because it U   I ` `
_ g    5  :,e;     i    M°M‘““ as a¥‘°th€‘ makes her feel like I J ` ""?~`\ l\` a ·
:· _ ; i_ [ Y?  ,§l3a‘llQ£d@l5i I Ll student who is glad ·   ( , -., g \ i ,  _ ; 
-- ..  V       .e.e { x ~   4 . she has actually . li: \a  ~. —
g ajx gw   J _j,5;.   bg to have gotten into I d *  Wl.]! if;   
e {   .   Jr   I    one ofthe new Hive $..f`¥ay tO     e
dorms — Ingels Hall igoignaatc 3;:;;;- '   ·J..»;r./   i
— and he appreciates the sleekness of the building, its fom but I didn,t Te; g, V VV      fg
large rooms, convenient Internet access, the spacious knoiv m Suite ___ ‘ _» __ Nig =   l' Y M p  
lobby, and the fact that it has air-conditioning. He said mates S; this is r€_ I`, '    A  g, s     if
that last year he was in Blanding 3, which housed many all me best Of both
College of Engineering students. This year, about 40 of Wcxlds for me ,, Smith Said
those engineering students moved to Ingels Hall in Smith Said ihat She mah hasn} been Sur med b
pam MCMhm Said’ because Of the New Economy Liv- anything yet in the dorm il the experience gas beeny
Elggggammg Commumty for cngmccrmg and busmcss pretty much what she expected. Although it’s nice to j
.. ' . . have a kitchen and laundry on her floor, she said she
e W? have tutoring SGSSIOHS hem but unfortunatelyl hasn’t had to take advantage of either yet. “I’ve been tak- l
l haven t been able to take advantage of them as much . I d h d d . .t ,, h .d h.} I h
l as I would like to because I’ve got class during the ses- ing my aim ry Gmc an Omgl ’. S C Sm ’ W I C aug _
  sions ,, he Said 1ng."My mother sa1d,‘You can do it here, but I`m not
* ‘ . . . . ‘ `tf !"’
l "But we have an engineering RA and 1t’s nice to be going to do 1 Or you
i around other engineering students because it’s easier
l to study together."
j M°Minn said there were a few of the usual problems
you might expect when you move into a new building
l — some of the plumbing had to be tweaked and a fam-
i ily of mice made its way into the building —— but those
  things were fixed right away. He said he hasn’t used the rr d P   . dt f K t k A! .   4;
{ kitchen facilities yet, but his parents would be surprised In a my IS managmg 6 I Or O en UC y Umm magazl E
E to find out that he is alwa s u —to—date on his laundry and can be r-cached at 859-257-1478 or at
li Y P Ipern/@emaiI.Uky.edu