  UK Memories  {QQ BRAND NEW IN  
l Ever wonder what life on UK’s campus was CQ , {gu H '  
l like during the years prior to and during -\-Q Sum E    
World War II? Take a trip to campus through EXPRESS . .. ·_ . ‘ A E
the eyes of two University of Kentucky alumni H¤rELé?su¤rEs y :;;g3 _g_.jie ;— :~;¢j.*·_ __V_  ;_:__A_, _',_?.
who lived and learned through one of the   l ‘lii               ‘   7 p
r most intense times in the nation’s history. 96 G¤¤StR¤¤ms      5; E {          
l • James Caldwell ’41 CIS recalls Suite R00mS     (E   tt   —**   _
I student life on the eve of the war. Whirlpool Rooms     "         i ,   
I • Mildred Long Ewen ’46 CIS shares her muon; |=•q0| 3,   M;   y   I      
; perspective of life on campus during Whirlpool   »  I ` i   0;   I
l the war years. . _     _:_e , 1* _
  Read the complete memoirs of Caldwell and iu   ‘°"
I Ewen at www.11l