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i_ I   Ai   — A i David King ’93 AS is the author of "FindingAtIantis.·A  
I g AA A€_· A   True Story of Genius Madness and an Extraordinary   A
  §   · A.    Quest for a Lost Worla'," a book that tells of a Renais— ` ` ,
it f   A    ni    sance man, Olof Rudbeck, who spent the last 30 years  
          = A ‘ of his life hunting for the fabled civilization. Rudbeck A {
      was a fascinating individual who was absolutely con- 7.· `L l
      vinced he had found the fabled lost city of Atlantis in F _
  i      it his native Sweden. N D I N Q I
  I   I A What do Zeus Apollo and the gods of Mount
  i if A  Olympus have in common with Odin,Thor, and the   L A N T I  
  l   gods of Valhalla? What do these, in turn, have to do with :"" AA, A\ ·I~ H l ,.A S ., U H .A
    the shades of Hades, the pharaohs of Egypt, and the glories of fabled Atlantis? I. A It ( . A \ A AA
I In 1679, Olof Rudbeck said they could all be traced to the ancient lost civiliza— 'il ` I ° ` A I `
  i tion that once thrived in the far north of Sweden. Chasing down clues to that X I I " l` ‘· ` `·   i‘` * "    
  lost golden age, Rudbeck combined the reasoning of Sherlock Holmes with the li ‘~ I h W R 0 I K ~\ II `·
  I daring of Indiana Jones. He excavated what he thought was the acropolis of tg iz — i A;   r .:
  i Atlantis, retraced the journeys of classical heroes, opened countless burial i A , , , -,— \\‘,, N , I,
    mounds, and consulted rich collections of manuscripts and artifacts. He eventu- I
It I ally published his findings in a 2,500-page tome titled "Atlantica. " DA V I I) I\ I N G .
Q I Three hundred years later, the story of Rudbeck`s adventures appear in En- `rrmmr
  glish for the first time through King’s "FinclingAtIantis. " It is a narrative of discovery as well as a cautionary tale
{ about the dangerous dance of genius and madness.
  David King teaches European history at the University of Kentucky. A Fulbright Scholar with a 1naster`s degree —
ti . from Cambridge University, he spent several years in Europe researching this book.
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  “ KENTUCKY Alumni 43
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