. -7-
térg i Business and Professional Worwn’s Club Continued
S . __ _ .
Qphgnc V lgniborahipi. 54. Open to women actively engaged in business or a prcfessitn.
Cennittees:` Educatien, lhgnolia Sccvillc; Finance,'I&s. Hola Ieltenbcrryg '
R in _ Health, Irs. Belle Galloway; International Relations, Nina Hanner§ Legislation,
’ Ruth Lawrence; Membership, lbs. Edna Fisher; Prcgran Coordinator, irs; Lillian
Yurray; Public Affairs, Thry Lawrence; Publications, Bess`Wettlingtcn; Pub-
; _ licity, Jssephine Lindsey; Radio, Krs.·Nargarct Hardwick, all of Bowling
{ Green· . ‘ ;° ` » = ‘
{ _ Purposes, Better business women for a better business world. To obtain a just
‘ . recognition professionally and financially.
ation, I v . ‘
1 I rua} Civic Activities; Svcnsored sale ef tickets for Criaplcd Childr¤n's '
T — .l--r.-... .. .. ,--.,--. -.-. _ . ~ -
- Campaign. Cpntributes te rccreatian programs, warren County T. B. H spital,
3 State B. & P. UQ Pducatizn Fund and other worthy programs. »
i _ ‘Dcfense Activities; ‘Enéa;ed in'Sewin; and Prcparatisn of Surgical Dressings,
5 Red Tires Assistance, First lid, Preparatirn and Serving of Feed, Collecting
1 B.oks, Research Lssistance,'Interviewing. Training for First Aid. Interested
j in Encrpancy Repair Service, Rotor C;rps Service, Aybulanoe Service, Operation
· Q; ‘f Cartoons, Discussion Leaders, Public Speaking, Teaching Classes cf lay
Ca ), `‘`  Reading and Sketching, Typing and Other Clerical Assistance, Consumer i
5- S Protection activities. ` {
2 _ __ L · ‘ ’
’ Q `—, ,`._·, uw;. T- n =.' . ‘1-
I Leeai Publications: J nv wines ·L;nthlv Year Bern, ,
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V CHURCHWOI1N*S FEDERATION ('Naticnal Council of Church tkjmn ), c/o Irs. G. U, E
y? Hummel, 652 Twelfth Street, Bdwling Green; Founded 1957. President, Lrc. §
;nno S G,}ILlhniuJ, Tclephvnc l556. Secretary, Yrs. Ed. Ccvingtcn, Nashville
p Read, B wling Green. Telephone 482-I. Terms expired October, l942.
p _Ybrbership; ?,OOO. Qualifications,»ehurch·n;rbership. i
lso _Q@gnittces: Cczaawity Service, Irs. Harvey Black; Citizenship, irs. S. H,
l Browr, hztr sf Bcwling Green.
_ , Purpose: Tr unite church wincn in an approach to social pr blens.
S , »Bernal Civic Activities: Coepcrating with existiw; social agencies in
ccrrmnitv service includinr child welfare and crinnled children's er¢aniza~ c
, 3 <_> -i L
ti gis, ~
* _BCfcnsc activities: Engiged in Red Crcssilssistancc. Interested in {iter
~ Cwrps Service, First nid, Prcparati-n and Serving _f F;od, Cper1ti;; of
’ Cantoons, Collecting Books, Public Speaking, Typing and Other Clerical
kCT’ pl assistance. _
1 lzcal Puolicatiens: Mono.