CITY COUNCIL PARENT—TEACHER ASSOCIATION ( State and Nati;nal C;ngresscs P. T..lJ|,
c/e Irs. B. N. Robinson, 1540 State Street, Bowling Green.' Founded 1924,’ ‘
President Irs. B. N. Robinson. Telephone 158. Secreta r Lucille Scott, l555
` Chestnut Street. Telephone 4504W. Terms expire 1942.
Membership: 1,000. Open to parents, teachers and others interested in the _
welfare cf schcel children. _ . 2 r ‘
Ciryittces; Program, lis. H, L. Sinclair, 422 Fifteenth Street; Ioibcrship,
lhs. C. L. Heel, 1241 Indiancla Street, beth of Bowling Green. `
Purprso; To advise regarding schcel problems; make plans for school year,
Nernal Vivi; Activities: Feeding underpriviledged children; cooperating with
. `W. P. A- and State Library Frejeet. T
Defense Activities; ‘Inter;sted'in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings,
Red Cr ss Assistance First Aid Fanilv Social Service in Industrial Areas
3 3 nl _-V
Child Care, C;llceti n of scrap letcls and Other notals, Collecting Decks.
Local Prblicaticnsz Annual Booklet.
D. A. R.; Kentucky Society Daughters of American Revolution; National Society ·
Daughters of Anerican Revolution ), c/o Mrs. Joe M. Gardner, 522 Fourteenth ·
Street, Bovlin Green. Founded 1902. Reeent lhs. E. A. Diddle 1720 Normal
, p r. a »
Boulevard, Bowling Green. Telephone 1455-M. Secretary, lhs. Joe H. Gardner.
A Telephone LO?. Terms expire May, 1945.
Membership; 85. Qualifications, a lineal descendent of one who gave aid to
A the American cause in The American Revolution. ~ ‘
Ccmmitteo¤~ Ztudent Loan, l}s. E. T. Barr; National Defense, Uiss Elizabeth
Finn; "anwal lor Citizenshin Hrs. J V; Eardcantlee Americanism lbs. W) D.
_ A - I ¢" 9
McElroy, .rl of Dorling Green.
v PUTDOSFT Ti l°TT®@Uato the Gjirit of the men ind wonen who achieved American A
indcponccxve and to further education, patriotism and interest in historical _
data. A
Tornal Civic Activitivsz Cooperating with ded Trois end Bundles for America.
Through the Ecard of Education distributed citizenship medals. Located and
marked the grfves of Revolutionary soldiers.
Defcnseitgtivitiesr EEQQQQOQ in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings,
Red Cross Assistance. Interested in First Aid, Library Service, Collecting _
Books, Discussion Leaders, Typing and Other Clerical Assistance.
Local Publications: done, .