  , 6 The State University
. Courses in Physics
I r
L  JUNE 6th—JULY 22.
  Professor M. L. Pence.
t g I. A Courzsn IN ELEMENTARY Tnxr-Boon PI*Ii'SICS.—R€-
‘; quired for entrance to the Freshman Class of the University. I
ty II. A Coussn IN Trrisorrnrrcar. PIIYsros.—This course is equiv- I
  alent to the Freshman Engineer, or Sophomore Scientific, work in  
  the University. It embraces Mechanics, Sound, Heat, Light,
It Electricity. These two courses will be fully illustrated by lectures
· and experiments with daily recitations.
yi III. AN ELEMENTARY Courzsu IN THE Prrrsrorxn Lrusorzaronr. y
 tl Corresponding to the work of Course II. above. l
it IV. Work is also offered in Advanced Tlreoretical Physics  
  and in Advanced Physical Measurements. The special line of
3 work will be selected by the student.
The above courses of study are offered to those who may be l
  unable to attend the regular sessions of the University, and who
A may desire to prepare themselves better for teaching Physics, or
li to do other work in Physical Science. These courses are also
A oifered to students who wish to shorten their regular schedule of
*.5 studies in the University. All persons who do any of the above
  work satisfactorily will receive the same credit as if the work had y
1. been done during a regular session of thc University. 1
. The fee for Course III. will be $12. For each of the other  
,J courses $10. For Course III and any other courses $20.
ZF For further information address
  M. L. Pnrvon, l
  364 Marino St., Lexington, Ky. {
li . . .
  The Department of Chemistry will be busy moving into the new
  building and will not offer a course this summer.
  Zoology and Geology
 Q. N 0 courses will beioffered this summer.