ls; . . :
kl 8 The Sta-te Unwersity ‘
‘fI .
; IV. PRINCIPLES or PLANT CULTURE.—IIlCll1(lGS a study of t.he
  fundamiental activities of plant life, with special reference to the
X flower and vegetable garden and the orchard; the influences of
P   normal and abnormal temperature, the proper supply of water, light,
  food, etc. ; the effect of insect and plant parasites and other condi-
  tions. Further study is made of such practical details as nronaga-
it tion, seed selection, seed sowing, transplanting, pruning, spraying
if etc. Lectures and practical exercises. Six hours Iyer wen`.
  Six is the minimum number of students for which any of me
lil above courses will be offered. l
`Qg The fee for any one course will be $10.00 (ten dollars).
  A laboratory deposit of $5.00 (five dollars), to- cover cost of
  possible breakage, etc., will be required.
l i
  Domestic Science  
,gi Isabella West Marshall. j
  The following courses in Domestic Science are offered to stu- i
5} dents of the Summer School. ’
  The courses are designed to meet the needs of teachers who dc- i
  sire to acquire a knowledge of the subject sutticient to teach in  
  elementary schools under the direction of a Supervisor of Domestic  
jg Science. J
ily; It may also be taken as an introduction to the subject by stu- I
  dents who wish to continue the course either during the regular ,
,2; University session or during a future Suunncr Session.
  Tl1e diepartment is thoroughly equipped for a proper prcscnta— p
  tion of the subject. .
jj Besides a lecture room, there is a large, cool la.bora.tory, fitted  
  up with individual gas burners, cooking apparatus and all the con- i
  veniences of modern sanitary plumbing. i
  Classes will be held during the cool morning hours.
if Laboratory period, 1% hours. Lecture period, % hour.
2  eonnsns.
i  1. Practical Cookery, including discussion of the various kinds
  of foods.
pi 2. Lectures upon Food Production and Manufacture.
"§ I Text-books.—1. Practical Cooking Manual. 2. Human Foods-
  Harry Snyder. ‘
fi_ A fee of ten dollars ($10.00) will be charged for one or all the
kg courses.