i until he shall have been graduated or formally discharged,
i honorably or otherwise. In the case of an honorable dis-
; charge, he shall be entitled to a certiiicate in tl1e following
i words: .
I "I certify that A B was honorably discharged from the
i Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky on the —
{ day of ——. I
{ 46______ _________ 77 `
{ “S6C7`6'i(Z7`;Zj (or Clerk) of the Faculty/’
Q 33. No honorable discharge or leave of absence will be granted
g l to a student within six weeks of the termination of the collegi-
A ate year, excepting in cases of great emergency.
34. Every student, on entering the Institution, shall be fur-
i nished with a copy of its regulations, and no plea of ignorance
shall be admissible in exte11uation of any failure to comply with
their requirements. .
58. In addition to the theoretical study required of every
male student in mechanics, agriculture and military arts, every ~
1 male student who accepts the privilege of free tuition, and such
others as may elect, shall pursue a course of practical instruc-
tion in mechanics and agriculture. For labor performed in that
way, that is valuable otherwise than as a means of instruction,
a reasonable compensation will be allowed, the proceeds going,
if necessary, iirst to supply the student with the prescribed
military uniform, and after that, toward the payment of his
_ rent and board account.
I 59. For military instruction and training, there will be a drill
l or other military exercise every day, Saturdays and Sundays ·
1 excepted, and lasting one hour, unless the President may dis- .
Q pense with it. The drill will be conducted in the academic
{ building when the weather or condition of the ground will not
· permit it out of doors. Special military exercises may be or-
l dered by the President at any time.
l 64. Besides the means above provided for the repression of
neglect and misconduct, a demerit system shall be enforced.
. The Co1nmandant shall keep a register of all delinquencies for
which the students a1·e reported, and shall charge against each