iii offense, not satisfactorily explained, a number of demerits ac-
$1; ccrding to the following scale ;
` An oflcnse of the first class will count ............ 5
Au offense of thc second class will count. .......... 4
the An offense of the thi1·d class will count ........... 3
i — An offense ofthe fourth class will count ........... 2
I An offense of the fifth class will count ............ 1
,, In the first year of the student at the College, offenses will
count one-third less than in the above scale. The Faculty will
meg classify to suit this scale the offenses ordinarily committed by
€f»"1‘ students. At the end of every month for which the number of
demerits recorded against any student is less than 10 the differ- ·
fm" ence between 10 and the number recorded shall be deducted
mw from his aggregate record of demerit.
Vim U5. Any student whose record of demerit at the close of a
  session shall amount to 100 for that session, shall, zyysc facto,
be dismissed.
’€1`Y 08. \Vhen a student has been reported for any grave misde-
’€1`5’  ` meanor requiring severe punishment, the Commandant shall
will order his arrest, either directly or through the Adjutant.
i'U0· 69. In case of violent disturbance, open contumacy, or other
HWY outrageous conduct on the part of a student, the Officer of the l
i0¤» llay, or any member of the Faculty present, may place the
UTS. offender in arrest, and order him to his quarters. In all such ·