Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Stetien if
_ Crnennan N0. 2.
The following is a copy of an act recently passed by the
General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Per-
sons selling fertilizers in this State will take notice. *
Director ](e2et2rck_2/ A{]}`I.CZbbbZb7`(bb Escperzftznz/enzt Smiionz.
.·\i·1:it. 26, lS8ti.
%t1_ CHAPTER 638.
IU' .=f.\` ACT fo 7·¢z_q/izbrtn t/ea sale; of Fez·tili.2er·s ia {/tis Contntomvcalt/r, mul io protect
{/ie Agv·icuftui·ist in the purchase and use of same.
A bl. Bc if cnnctcrl by if/rc Genzcrral Assembly of the Cmnmmtweali/1. of Ifeutuc/cy,
Yllhat on or bef`ore the first day of May in each year, before any person or company V
shall sell. otler or expose for sale, in this State, any commercial fertilizer whose retail
price   more than ten dollars per ton, said pers ·ii or company shall f`urnish to the
Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, inaugurated by the Agricultural _
and Nleehanical College of Kentucky (which station is hereby recognized as the
*‘l{entucky Agricultural Experiment Station "), a quantity of such commercial fer-
titizer, not less than one pound, sufficient for analysis,. accompanied by an atlidavit
that the substance so furnished is n f`air and true sample of a commercial fertilizer,
which the said person or company desires to sell witnin the State of Kentucky. /_
  It shall be the duty of the Director of the Kentucky Agricultural Experi-
ment Station to make, or cause to be made, a chemical analysis of every sample of
i' ‘ commercial fertilizer so furnished him, and he shall print the result of such analysis
in the form of a label; such label shall set fbrth the name of the nutnufaeturer, the
place of manufacture, the brand of the fertilizer, and the essential ingredients con~
tained in said fertilizer, expressed in terms and manner approved by said Director,
toeetlier with a certificate from the l)ire<·tor, setting forth that said analysis is a true
and complete analysis of the sample furnished him of such brand of fertilizer, and
he shall also place upon each label the money value of such fertilizer computed from
its composition as he may determine. The Director shall furnish such labels in -
qlliitttities of five hundred or multiple thereof, to any person or company desiring to
><·ll. ollcr or expose for sale any commercial fertilizer in this State. i