i AMERICAN LEGION, EDGAR B. RITCHIE POST #25 (National American Legion), 856
d West Elm Street, Ludlow. Founded 1919. Commander, James Wilhoit, 656 Church
A Street, Ludlow, CO 5997. Adjutant, Louis G. Robinson, 855 West Oak Street,
Ludlow, CO 5976. Terms expire July, 1942.
Membership:_ 85. Qualifications, veteran of Nbrld War l with honorable
discharge. ‘
Committees: Defense, James Eilhoit, 656 Church Street, Ludlow; American-
ism, J. Barnett, Bromley; Subversive, L. Miller, 512 West Elm Street, Lud-
low; School Boy Patrol and Child Welfare, J. B. Creekmore, Bromley.
Purpose: To defend the Constitution of the United States, to maintain
` law an  order, to foster and perpetuate Americanism.
Normal Civic Activities: Child welfare, cooperating with American Legion.
Defense Activities; Training for Auxiliary Police, Air Raid Warden Service, .
Civilian Aircraft Warning Service, Auxiliary Fire Protection, Emergency
Repair Service, Motor Corps Service, Ambulance Service, Discussion Leaders,
Teaching Americanization Classes for Aliens and Others, Signal Services,
Research Assistance, Typing and Other Clerical Assistance.
Local Publications; None.
Legion Auxiliary), 856 West Elm Street, Ludlow. Founded 1955. President,
Mrs. Thelma Nurnburg, 120 Oak Street, Ludlow, CO 4096. Secretary, Fannie
Schroeder, 507 Church Street, Ludlow, CO 9410. Terms expire August, 1942.
Membership:’ 46. Qualifications, mother, wife, sister or daughter of
Wbrld War l veteran. _
Committees; Child Welfare and Americanism, Erma Campbell, ll9 Short
Street, Ludlow; Finance, Lillian Dorsey, 5l Carneal Street, Ludlow.
Purpose: To assist the American Legion, promote better citizenship,
Americanism and national defense.
Normal Civic Activities; Cooperation with American Legion in their
child welfare program.
Defense Activities; Engaged in Typing and Other Clerical Assistance.
Training for Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Red Cross
Assistance, First Aid, Preparation and Serving of Food, Operation of
Canteens. Interested in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Collecting
Books, Teaching Americanization Classes for Aliens and Others.
Local Publications: None.