xt71jw86hq0h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71jw86hq0h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19251211  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December 11, 1925 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 11, 1925 1925 2012 true xt71jw86hq0h section xt71jw86hq0h -












NO. 12

Trained Voices To Form
Chorus for Handel's Great Re
ligious Masterpiece; Conducted by Prof. Lampert




Windy City Sends Four Great
Singers" To Take Solo


Hey Juniors


Fill Out Your Information
Cards for Kentuckian
All juniors of the university who
have not as yet done so. arc requested by the BtafT of the "Kentuckian" to immediately fill out

information cards for this year's
annual. The blanks must.be filled
out before Friday, December 18,
if the student's name and activities are to appear in the year book.
The information cards arc easily filled out and include lines for
the student's name, residence, fraternity, class and activities and
honors while at the university.
Blanks may be secured from the
"Kentuckian office from 2 to 3:30
p. m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and
The annual this year will probably make its appearance in April.
For this reason it is imperative
that all copy be in as soon as possible and accordingly the staff has
made this ruling for student information cards.

"The Messiah," Hnndel's magnificent oratorio, will bo presented tonight, at the University of Kentucky
gymnasium by the Central Kentucky
Choral society, under the auspices of
the MacDowell club. Four truined
soloists from Chicago, secured through
the efforts of Prof. Curl. Lampert,
musical director of the university,
and director of the oratorio, and a
chorus of 300, trained voices will sing
this masterpiece of religious music.
A large orchestra, most of whose
members played in the production last
April, will be personally conducted
by Professor Lampert.
Of the four great soloists to be
heard, one of them, Miss Edna Swan-so- n
Van Haar, sang the same part
with the Swedish Choral society, of Terpsichorean Revel in Honor of
Chicago, in Sweden, and won applause
"Wildcats" and "Kittens"
of every music critic in the country.
Features Social Calendar
For 100 years societies in the larger
of Saturday
cities have followed the custom of
Old England, by ushering in the Yule-tid- e
with one of the greatest pieces
GIVEN BY SU-Kof religious music ever written. The
story of Jesus Christ and the lesson of
One of the big social events of the
salvation is presented in most exseason will be the footquisite form in this musical creation. ball dance to bo given by the
Born in 1685
Circle Saturday night from 8 to 12
George Frederick Handel, composer o'clock, in the men's gymnasium, to
of the Messiah, was born in 1685 at which all students are invited. A genHalle in Saxony. According to manu- eral admission price of $1 wili be
scripts preserved in England, he wrote
it in only 23 days. At the occasion (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)
Of its first presentation, the great
man said, "If it serves only to enHoliday
tertain, the oratorio has failed in its
purpose." Handel spent most of his
Classes Will. Be Dismissed Only
One Day Earlier





Is Reelected
of National
Society for Vocational Education At Meeting in Ohio



Vice-Preside- nt

Dr. W. S. Taylor, dean of the College of Education, University of Kenof
tucky, was reelected
the National Society for Vocational
Education at the meeting of the association held last week at Cleveland,
Ohio. The president of the association is Dr. Edwin A. Lee, of the University of California.
The association will be reorganized,
according to plans made at the recent
convention, Dr. Taylor said. In the
future its name will be the American
association. Dr. Taylor
was nlaced in charge of the division
Other comof agricultural education.
mittees were appointed to do research
Dr. Taylor will have charge
of the research work in the field of
agricultural education. Other fields of
the association are industrial, home
economics, part time, commerical and
civilian rehabilitation.
Louisville has bid for the 1926 meet-o- f
the association, according to Dr.
Taylor. Several cities of the United
States offered to be hosts to the 1926
meeting but no definite step was taken
at the meeting just closed. Louisville
has a good chance of getting the
meeting, he said. Other numbers
of the College of Education who attended the Cleveland meeting are Miss
Julia Hurd, Miss Carrie B. Green, A.
N. May and Carsie Hammonds.

ious music.

"The Charleston' although just
its debut on dance floors
throughout the country, has a history
thut dates back to the pioneer days
of America, and possibly as far back
as several centuries before the discovery of the Western World. "The
Charleston" is thought to have made-itappearance in this country with
the coming of the first Indians from
Asia. There lived in the territory that
now comprises the eastern part o'
the United States, a strange race of
people whose origin and color an
When tho Indians advanc
ed to tho East, they either destroyed
or drove out this race of people. "Th
Charleston" played an important par
in this bit of history, ns it was only

Beckner, Marguerite Williams and 'Helen Board From
To-- 1
Field of,30; Great Difficulty was Experienced
day and Tomorrow Under the
In Making Selection
Auspices of the Lexington
'Ttr i.i
worm omt committee
Florenz Ziegfeld, glorifier of! sorority; Miss Charlsey Smith, of
DEAN TURCK IS CHAIRMAN the American girl, and
nf fVlP 7Anirfnr TSYilHoa sif Vin rit.V! Miss iWnrio TWknutv nf Win.
Committee at University Dis- n...
T... Chester. Ky.. a senior and member of
Delta Delta Delta sorority; Miss
appointed at Number of
IOrK, at lul request Ol ?L Ken - . Manrueritn Wlllmms. of ftnrirntnwn
Students Who Voted
tuckinn editor, selected five of Ky., a sophomore .nd a member of
Kappa Kappa Gumma sorority;
The students of Kentucky favored the nl0at beautiful girla of tho the
?n'Sltjtor the beauty action J



Court by a otc of 267 to 122 in the
university straw vote last Friday. The
early reports in the city papers did
not include results from the College
of Iw, where 28 students voted to
anu 11
t. The result was very disappointing
to the members of the committee m
charge, who had hoped that a much
larger percentage of students would
interested enough in the question)
The state conference on the World
court is being jieidjiere today and



year book.

University Students
To Attend Convention


(Amerce Juniors And DI 1QU EYD!


On December 3,

fiiifc m

Recommendations Will Be Submitted to General Assembly in


A program for a greater university, one that will give statewide service, is contained in the
report of Dr. Frank L. McVey,
president of the University of
Kentucky, which was submitted
and approved by the trustees of
the institution at their regular
meeting held Tuesday morning.
Among the outstanding features of Dr. McVey's recommendations which covers a period o"
two yeai-s- , were:
Appropriation of $500,000
for the erection of additional
classroom buildings.
2 Purchase of 103 acres of
land adjoining the farm of the
Experiment Station.
3 Annual
appropriation of
$10,000 for development
of the
summer school of the institution.
Appropriation of $16,000
for buildings on the
Station at Princeton, in
western Kentucky.
5 Maintenance
fees commensurate with the needs and growth
of the university.
Establishment of a student
hospital at the institution with a
total of 60 beds.
Provision of a building to
be used as a museum for the exhibiting of relics discovered in

Students to Beware of Conthe Commerce club
tagion When With Victims
the campus by the
Of Diseass
Col- -


James W. Russell, senior in the
College of Commerce; Frank Melton,
,unior in the Agriculture College, and
jorotny i'artcn, ol the Arts and Sci- nee
oiiece. were selected ov the
.tudent class of the First Methodist
hurch, Lexington, as delegates to the
uof ,th,e,

church, South, to be held
Tenn.. from December





Rev. A. R. Perkins, student pastor
the university is soliciting funds




was organized on
junior and senior classes of the
V"i".Vf-- X
of the college
The club is limited
membership to 60. all of whom L.Th?. number
cas?s P. "Trench
must be enrolled in the Commerce Mouth" (Vincent's Angina) hcreabou
t ,;n
at ine present time, seems 10 warr
e (I cis'iion of th's condition.
ect representative men from each
e 's Angina is an iiflam-- i
0f the four classes.
There are 49
condition of the gums, to
barter members and additional
Vo-it- ,
or rha-yithe syrup
be.s will be elected from the fresh-i- t
'o: ;3 ?nd rcsulti of which are qui
man nn
ac.crht'c. It usually begin vi'
The chief aims of the club are (1)
e o" isn-- v tote patch


through their ability to work themselves into frenzied state by doing
this dance, that the Indians gained
courage to do battle.
Carried Down Thru Ages
was carried down
through the ages, and again came into
historical limelight several years ago
when San Francisco was almost totalis destroyed by what was though4
'or years to have been an earthquake
Recent investigations show that i4
as not an earthquake that wrough'
uch disaster to the California city
ut that the "Charleston" was beinr
'nnced in several dance halls on that
eventful night.
Then in Chicago, a young milkmaid
imbitious to learn tho "Charleston's"
'ascinating steps, kicked over a lant-r- n
in a barn, and set the whole town
fire. Such cases have been the highi
'glits of tho history of this dance,
ince the Chicago fire few persons
uve met death through the "Charles- m." This year only 40 persons were
lieu in Boston, and a score or more
jured in New York, when buildings


lKLlNLrl MUUltt

George McKown Is Named President; Membership Is
Limited to 60

Three Young People of Methodist Church to Confer at
Memphis, Tenn.


Appropriations Looking to Further Growth of Institution to
Be Asked by Board
of Trustees



SeTolEe ofSmelcan

Billy Upham Is Winner




Panic Among Patt Hall Inmates
Narrowly Averted Tuesday
B. Johnson, William Hanretty,
Evening When Pseudo-fir- e
ind B. A. Robertson were selected as.
Drill Is Held
,he new members of the Speakers'
Bureau of the university at the
held Thursday night, December
try-ou- ts


the Little Theatre. Nine men
competed in the contest which was
a feature of the program of the meeting of the Patterson Literary society.
The Speakers' Bureau is an organisation for the purpose of advertising
'ho university, its purpose and needs.
The members of the bureau serve as
jpeakers before meetings of lunchon
zlubs, associations and the like when
ailed upon. It is composed of eight
men, all of whom are selected on
i competitive basis and who remain
ncmbers until they graduate or leave
chool. In addition to the new men
he bureau's membership includes
ohn Y. Brown, Kenneth Tuggle, Sam
Milam, W. F. Simpson, and II. II.

bathrobe-wrappeA throng of pajama-claand supposedly fair females,
shrieking and screaming with all the
power of an old time river-palac- e
rushed pell mell out the door
and down the broad steps of Patterson hall, onto the front walk and
driveway Monday night, between 10
and 10:30 o'clock.
Giggling and squealing like
with their pigtails, "Western Electric" curlers, waving combs,
and shiny noses pitilessly exposed to
the gazes of any chance male passerby, they shivered and shook in the
uglit breezes. The occasion?
first practice fire drill of the year.
At 10:25 o'clock sharp, the regular
warning bell rang, telling the hall
inmates that only five minutes remained in which they might burn the
university lights, study, fool uround,
or do otherwise. Now this gong was
not intended as the fire gong, but
the word spread, as secrets will, that
a fire drill was to be held sometime
before turning in hour that night.

J. B. Johnson is a senior in the law
college and last year was a member
of the university debating team. William ilunretty is a junior in the College of Arts and Sciences and B. A.
Robertson is completing his law course
this June. Tho judges in tho try-ouwere Iofessor W. R. Sutherland, bead
of the public speaking department,
Professor Grant C, Knight, of tho
English department and Professor H.
EIGHT) J. Scarborough of the Law college. (CONTINUED ON




Theta Sigma Phi Initiates at
Home of Frances Lee; Alpha
Delta Sigma Holds Services

At Lafayette

Ben Ali Theater Offers Prizes
Theta Sigma Phi, Women's national
For Best Twister And
honorary journalism fraternity, and
Foot Wielder

to show you we could if we
When we got to Athens, Estes wanted to, we might prate of the
worked some more of his shady diplo- days of the stately polka and the
macy and negotiated room, board, dainty minuet and the times when
lodgin' and a ride the rest of the way knock knees and pigeon toes were deto the river from some friends of formities even on men; but to coin
his who was awful nice to Ted and a phrase, what's the use?
The "Athens of the West has been
me and treated us like it wasn't our
fault that we appeared at the same engulfed by congo gyrations; via
Charleston, S. C, and the oldest
time Estes did.
are breathlessly awaiting
Wfi Hrnvo Hnwn in inn riim
hired a boat to get across to the the night when the classic portico
other side. The boat was about half of Morrison chapel will be the backfull of water and didn't look overly ground for flying feet and flailing
robust, anyhow, I looked at Ted kinda arms.
Already Ben Ali, that stronghold
dubious and was goin' to suggest a
bigger boat. Ted seen what I was ol art, has crumbled before the asI guess it was his consaults of modernism and has offered
thinkin' about
science hurtin' him for eatin' so much prizes to the persons who could perthe first time Estes' friends had at form the greatest contortions and live,
vited us to dinner and he cot so and as is to be expected, "Old State"
darned eloquent expressin' his opinion clashed through the first night with
oi me mat ne ieu down the bank Billy Upham up for the grand prize
and into the boat before we could of 25L and Billy Meadows, the local
bail the part of the river that was entry, trailing for a close second. Miss
Pauline Gibbs, another Lexington
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) hope, nosed out the rest of the field
for show money.
The Tuesday and Wednesday night
contests were held too late for this
issue but it is safe to say that the
entrants profited by Monday nights
exhibition and wore tuxedos.

Three Men Are Selected in Re
to Fill
cent Try-ouVacancies


In Charleston Contest


Choose New Members
Of Speakers Bureau

3, in

ad'fr V


nosiMon I frequently
curc capable speakers to address the until a large portion of the spreid"
students enrolled; (2) look after the " ''l'ctiirei become involved in adnc"
a superinterest of the students along busi(or
ness lines, and (3) to sponsor the ficial necrosis somedeath ofifthe tissu
this con
honor system.
The officers elected are: George dition is not treated, large amounts o"
McKown, president; George Young,
Cecil Carpenter, see- - (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT
retary; and Lyle Croft, publicity.

Some Experiences On a Journey With
Two Journalistic Moguls Who Need
Some Practice In Art of Navigation

of medicine.
These pamphlets will be distributed
by Dr. Pryor, to all of the Pre-me- d
Society meetstudents at the Pre-Me- d
ing, Friday, December 11, at 3 p. m.

Delta Delta sorority
This Is tho first time that tho beauty
section of the Kentuckian has been
selected by an impartial judge, the
selections having been heretofore
made by a vote of the student body.
Mr. Ziegfeld is recognized through
out tho country as a competent judge
of beautiful women, and oners his
services to such organizations as the
Kentuckian free of charge.

Mr ziegfold's selections were re turned to the Kentuckian office this
week, accompanied by a letter stating
that a great deal of difficulty was ex- perienced in selecting the winners of
ha conteat
The fie gir,8 selecte(1
out of the 30 pictures that were sent
to Mn Ziegfeia were, Miss Lucile
Rob of Nicholasville, Ky., a freshman
and' pledge to the Delta Delta Delta


by voluntary subscriptions to finance
he expenses of the delegates. The
university will be ourpose of the convention, at which
Classes at the
dismissed at noon, December 22, in ),000 delegates and visitors from all
stead of at noon, December 2d, as parts of the United States are ex
was orginally planned, This was pected, is to discuss the present, and
concluded at the meeting of the Uniuture problems ot the church, and
versity Council, held December 2.
to link the young people more defi- -'
The petition, signed by various nitely with the program of the church,
members of the student body, to ad
vance the beginning of the Christmas
holiday season from December 23 to
19 was rejected by the council.
In the absence of Pres. Frank L.
McVey, who went to Ashland to ad
dress the class on salesmanship now
there by C. L.
Brewer, of the extension department
of the university, Dean C. R. Melch-e- r
presided at the meeting of the
(By LeRoy Smith)
Alvie Estes and Ted McDowell got
Pre-Me- ds
the idea last Sunday that Estes ought
to take some pictures of the Kentucky
they ast
Dr. Pryor Complies Phamplet riverif for like to annual so and pack
go along
On Entrance Requirements
cameras. 1 told em I hadn t been
particular who I was seen with lately
Dr, J. W. Pryor, head of the De- jo we went. We rode nine miles to
partment of Anatomy and Physiology Athens in a car. The man who took
has recently complied a pamphlet con- us out didn't want to be seen with
taining information which will be very such disreputable lookin' characters
students. as Ted and Estes, seein' as he lived
useful to the
It includes the requirements for
in the place where we was goin' and
majority of the medical as soon as he seen these two comin
for the
schools in the United States including out of the Herald with me he began
Chicago, Columbia, Emory University. puttin' the curtains on the car. Estes
John Hopkins. Indiana University, looked considerable like the hombre
University of Michigan, Northwestern.
taueht Jesse James all his mean-- 1
St. Louis University, Vanderbut, and ness polutin' the atmosphere with a
Washington University.
black cigar which he had poked in
They also contain the subjects that nis face. Ted was from Harlan airy- '
one should take each year while at- way and looked like a moonshiner
tending the University of Kentucky from them parts, regadin' the scenory
and gives an outline of two and three with an evil eye.
year courses preparatory to the study


(By Kyle Whitehead)
' ""The Charleston," the universal
jazz dance, with all its wiggles, wabbles, and side stepping, has finally
invaded university dances and sent
dancing feet on a rampage. The
"good old" dances have become more
old fashioned, while the "Charleston"
gives vent to the uncontrollable
that comes with strains of hilar-

Ziegfeld Names Five Winners of
The Kentuckian Beauty Contest GIVE
New York Producer Selects Lucile Rob, Charlsey Smith, Marie

State Conference Held Hero


Are Given on
History of "Charleston" Contortions;
First Appeared As Indian War Dance





Alpha Delta Sigma, men's national
honorary journalism fraternity, each
held initiation services last Tuesday
at which time these two organizations took 15 new members into their
ranks, the women taking eight and
the men seven.
Theta Sigma Phi held its initiation
at 4:30 o'clock in the afternoon at
the home of Miss Francess Lee on
Aylesford Place. After the beautiful
and impressive service tea was served
and both the old and new members
spent a very enjoyable social hour.
Those initiated were; Willie King,
Ava Caywood, Curtis Buehler, Maria
Louise Middleton,
Dorothy Stebbins, Louise Smathers
and Nellie Torian. The active members are; Elizabeth Glascock, Frances
Lee, Edna Lewis Wells, Mavis Sternberg, Edith Miniii'hnn and Eugenia


Alpha Delta Sigma held its initiation from 3 to 6 o'clock Tuesday
afternoon in a room at the Lafayette
hotel at which time those initinted
were; Delos Nooe, Jack Warren, LeNeil
Roy Keiffer, Roscoe Claxon,
Plummer, J. L. Crawford and C. M.
John Bullock wns to have
been initiated but he was called home



Greets First


Performance of "The Wild Duck" at
Romany; Regina Stanfiell Plays Lead
Frances Lee)
Theatre presented its
initial performance of Henrik Ibsen's
"The Wild Duck" before
good and appreciative audience
Monday evening, December 7.
Ibsen's five acts are skillfully in-- ,
corporated into fou for the Romany
but the entire production
direction .re based on the actua'
play as written and interpreted by
n;en, backed up by tne experience
of two performances of "The Vil'
Duck" in Christiania by native nctor-an- d
nctresses. The Romany interpretation of the play is something nev
to English and American audiences
as it is much less gloomy in this
The play is produced under the
direction of Mary Lyons and Curo'
M, Sax.
Special costumes of
1HO0 period were designed and executed under tho direction of Miss Eliza
be h Lehman in the Costume Designing class of tho university.

The Romany

green walls, and
is a most interesting
setting, and the details of the
its sloping





ings are faultlessly carried out. Open-- a
ing into the studio is the "hunting
room" where old Ekdal and Hedvig
keep their fowls and rabbits and the
wild duckl
From this room one
casionally hears tho squawk or cluck-an- d
of the hens, the quack of the wild
duck, or the report of a fire-aras
old Ekdal shoots a rabbit which ho
immediately skins and proudly displays in the studio. Tho production
was built and painted by John Loving
nnd William Zoppf, assisted by the
Stagecraft class of the university.
The Romany is especially happy in
the selection of its cast, and is very
fortunate to have Miss Regina Stanfiell. who has been with tho
players for 22
and who returns to them following
her work here in "The Wild Duck,"
to take the role of Gina Ekdal. Miss
stanfiell appeared at the Romany two
Scene Laid in 1800 Period
vears ago in "Liliom" and in the
The scene is laid in a photograph campus playhouse production of "The
er's studio in Christiania in the, 1800
EIGHT) period. The attic sitting-roowith (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)



* ,

Kdifor W.


Wilson. Alumni Secretary

Assistant Editor, Helen J. Osborne

History of the University of Kentucky
The University of Kentucky la one
or the agricultural and mechanical
colleges that owes its origin to the
'Morrill Act of July 2, 1802. Instead
of establishing at once, as most of the
states did. a higher educational in
Btitution, the legislature did not place
it upon an independent basis but made
it one of the colleges of Kentucky
University, now Transylvania College,
To this institution the annual inter
est of the proceeds of the Congres
was given for the
purpose of carrying on its operations,
This continued until 1878 when the
Act was repeiiK-- and a commission
appointed to work out a plan lor tin
'state university. The City of Lex
'ington offered the commission the city
park containing 52 acres of land and
$30,000 of city bonds which gift was
supplemented by an additional 820,000
in bonus given by rnycttc county
With the money buildincrs were
erected and the institution established
at Lexincton. In 1908 the name of
the institution was chnnged from Ag
ricultural and Mechanical College to
that of State University and it was
again modified in 1916 to the title of
university oi ir i 1... rrt.S man
tution is
character; it appeals with confidence
to the people of all creeds, ana en
fliNnvnrs. in strict conformity to the re
quirements of the law to afford equal
advantages to all ana exclusive pnv


in possession
University of
those who go
University of

of the
to college, come to the
Kentucky. The United
States Bureau of Education in an in
vcstigation of high schools show
that about 11 percent of children of
school age should lc in hiirh school
This would mean 70,000 high school
students in Kentucky and on the basL
of what is happening in other stntcs

the Agricultural Experiment Station


one-thir- d

throughout the country, our stntc
have approximately 17,000
high school graduates.
If half of
these went to colleee as they hav
been doing in the pnst there would be
8,500 boys and girls entering college
and the University would have 2,500
freshmen and not 700 as at present.
The denominational schools are about
filled to capacity and therefore the
source of training for these young
people must come from the University
of Kentucky if they are to obtain l
within the borders of our state. It i
extremely conservative to estimate
that there will be 4.000 students seeli
ing instruction at the University of
Kentucky by 1930. what can an in
stitution with scanty equipment to ac
commodate 2,000 students expect to
do with twice that number? This
the most important question confront
inc Kentucky's highest public educa
tional institution and one which must
be solved in the same manner that
other states have met it.

Students who have attended the
University of Kentucky are to be
found in all parts of the country and
undoubtedly, they have contributed
materially to the welfare of the Com

The College of Arts and Science,
the largest College of the University,
not only trains in liberal education
but also provides the service courses
The purpose of the Station is to
colleges: Mathematics
carry on a continuous succession of of all of the
sciences, economics,
experiments by specialists in order to laneuaces.art. In addition, it gives
torv and
learn what the application of science premedical course and prepares indus
will do in bringing the best returns trial chemists.
from the farm, the garden, the
The Department, of Journalism has
orchard, the vineyard, the stock yards
managing and editing
and the dairy. In addition to this the graduates
many of
Experiment Station is engaged in the newspapers in Kentucky, the towns
publication of bulletins announcing and counties of
The Engineering College has grant
the results of these experiments
ad ed decrees to many men in Alechan
which have broueht
vantages to the farmers of the State, ical, Electrical, Mining, and Civil
Act was Engineering, who are engaged in in
In 1912, the Smith-Leve- r

passed establishing Agricultural Extension "work which was placed in tire
charge of the Agricultural College
of the University of Kentucky. Under
the provisions of this Act, county
agents are maintained in the counties
. of the State, and special home demonstration and agricultural agents are
employed to carry on the work oi ag
ricultural education
Tho. teaching division of the Uni
versitv is divided into seven colleges
the Summer Session and the University Extension. The colleges and
schools thus established are those of
Arts and Science, Engineering, Agri
i .cultural, Law, Education, University
jp., . and Graduate Work.
library which can be
also maintains a
r; used by citizens of the State. This
i&k library now consists of 02,000 volumes
rJOVand is engaged in garnering museum
73k material that illustrates the history
tfitJ: and development of Kentucky.

vj.vj-t- i

Dr. Frank L. McVey, President of the University of Kentucky, came here
as its chief executive in 1916. The increase in the enrollment from l.dbo
2,161 and the high place which the University now holds in comparison
other state universities has inspired confidence of leaders in Doctor McVey
ability as an educator and as an executive.

What the University

lieges to none.
As a department of the University

wits created in September, 1885, under
the various provisions of the federal
law which provide annual appropria
for the support of the Experi
ment Station. In 1912, the legislature
yoted an appropriation of $50,000 in
addition to the amounts granted by
for this
the Federal Government

of the registrar

dustry, mining and engineering
Kentucky and elsewhere. The Col
lege has been investigating the oil
shale and has estimated that there
are ninety billion tons of surface oil
shale deposits in Kentucky which arc
capable of producing nearly one bar
rel to the ton at a little more than
the oil well producer system. This
means that there will be an industry
in Kentucky, in the future, that will
rival the coal industry in extent. roi
a number of years the Civil Engineer
mg Department in this College ha
made for the State Road
ment. for corporations and for in
ctividuals several rock tests that havcsaved the State many thousands of
The College of Education is sending
out carefully prepared teachers who
are filling important positions in the
schools of the Mate
The College of Law is placing men
in the State who are becoming the
leaders of their profession
The College of Agriculture
trained farmers and Home Economics
leaders who contribute their knowl
edge and good sense to the advance
ment of farms and homes in the
The discoveries and work of the Ex
periment Station have added many,
many thousands, even millions ot dol
lars to the wealth of the State which
are destined to increase its wealth
even more in the future. It has been

100 percent val
uation pinns placing a minion and
half at tho disposal of Purdue nnd
like amount for tho University oMn
Visconsin with the same area
as Kentucky, practically equal population nnd with S2",500,000,000 upon its
assessment ro)l ns compared
Kentucky's two billion nnd a quarter
irceiy lurnishes more thnn seven
times the amount for University
Wisconsin expends $1.14 per
capita, Indiana vuc, Uhlo aoc, lllinoi
;joc, nnd Kentucky 14c.
Illinois hns already invested $9,000
000 in its plant: Ohio $7,000,000. Wis
consin $9,000,000; Purdue $2,400,000
ana Kentucky $1,250,000.
With tho exception of a shop erect
cd during tho war from federal funds
no new construction hnq boon rnrri'ivl
out during the past ten years at the
University of Kentucky, while these
institutions just to our north lihvc
now modern buildings and contem
piaie iiirincr construction nt once,
rurdue will hnvc in the next tw
years $1,200,000 for buildings and
other institutions in proportion. With"
a growth of 250 percent in the stu
dent body in the University of Ken
lucky in ten years, the floor area for
instruction purposes hns increased by
. percent.
Practically in every field of educa
tion these institutions eclipse the Uni
versity of Kentucky. Tho buildim-- n
of our own institution are inadequate
oiu. tno cnuinmcnt insufTir ont
ana the farm lands for agricultural
liiivin-.u- ,
uni! instructional pur
uaus meagre in acreage.
The presidents of the institutions
and the deans of the agricultural col
lunua visncu concurred tn the view
thnt agricultural instruction and demonstration required not less than 1,000
acres. This judgment was reached
after long experience. Kentucky has
only 240 acres at the University now
owned. In the matter of engineering
unu mooruiory equipment the needs
are equally great.
To be able' to take a position com
mensurate with the population and
wealth of the State and to be equipped
.uuvc.- nie pressing educational re
quirements of its citizens, this com
mission is convinced thnt tho tts.
versity of Kentucky must have in the
near iuture the following buildings:
Chemistry building, equipped to in
struct i,uuu stud