
Kdifor W.


Wilson. Alumni Secretary

Assistant Editor, Helen J. Osborne

History of the University of Kentucky
The University of Kentucky la one
or the agricultural and mechanical
colleges that owes its origin to the
'Morrill Act of July 2, 1802. Instead
of establishing at once, as most of the
states did. a higher educational in
Btitution, the legislature did not place
it upon an independent basis but made
it one of the colleges of Kentucky
University, now Transylvania College,
To this institution the annual inter
est of the proceeds of the Congres
was given for the
purpose of carrying on its operations,
This continued until 1878 when the
Act was repeiiK-- and a commission
appointed to work out a plan lor tin
'state university. The City of Lex
'ington offered the commission the city
park containing 52 acres of land and
$30,000 of city bonds which gift was
supplemented by an additional 820,000
in bonus given by rnycttc county
With the money buildincrs were
erected and the institution established
at Lexincton. In 1908 the name of
the institution was chnnged from Ag
ricultural and Mechanical College to
that of State University and it was
again modified in 1916 to the title of
university oi ir i 1... rrt.S man
tution is
character; it appeals with confidence
to the people of all creeds, ana en
fliNnvnrs. in strict conformity to the re
quirements of the law to afford equal
advantages to all ana exclusive pnv


in possession
University of
those who go
University of

of the
to college, come to the
Kentucky. The United
States Bureau of Education in an in
vcstigation of high schools show
that about 11 percent of children of
school age should lc in hiirh school
This would mean 70,000 high school
students in Kentucky and on the basL
of what is happening in other stntcs

the Agricultural Experiment Station


one-thir- d

throughout the country, our stntc
have approximately 17,000
high school graduates.
If half of
these went to colleee as they hav
been doing in the pnst there would be
8,500 boys and girls entering college
and the University would have 2,500
freshmen and not 700 as at present.
The denominational schools are about
filled to capacity and therefore the
source of training for these young
people must come from the University
of Kentucky if they are to obtain l
within the borders of our state. It i
extremely conservative to estimate
that there will be 4.000 students seeli
ing instruction at the University of
Kentucky by 1930. what can an in
stitution with scanty equipment to ac
commodate 2,000 students expect to
do with twice that number? This
the most important question confront
inc Kentucky's highest public educa
tional institution and one which must
be solved in the same manner that
other states have met it.

Students who have attended the
University of Kentucky are to be
found in all parts of the country and
undoubtedly, they have contributed
materially to the welfare of the Com

The College of Arts and Science,
the largest College of the University,
not only trains in liberal education
but also provides the service courses
The purpose of the Station is to
colleges: Mathematics
carry on a continuous succession of of all of the
sciences, economics,
experiments by specialists in order to laneuaces.art. In addition, it gives
torv and
learn what the application of science premedical course and prepares indus
will do in bringing the best returns trial chemists.
from the farm, the garden, the
The Department, of Journalism has
orchard, the vineyard, the stock yards
managing and editing
and the dairy. In addition to this the graduates
many of
Experiment Station is engaged in the newspapers in Kentucky, the towns
publication of bulletins announcing and counties of
The Engineering College has grant
the results of these experiments
ad ed decrees to many men in Alechan
which have broueht
vantages to the farmers of the State, ical, Electrical, Mining, and Civil
Act was Engineering, who are engaged in in
In 1912, the Smith-Leve- r

passed establishing Agricultural Extension "work which was placed in tire
charge of the Agricultural College
of the University of Kentucky. Under
the provisions of this Act, county
agents are maintained in the counties
. of the State, and special home demonstration and agricultural agents are
employed to carry on the work oi ag
ricultural education
Tho. teaching division of the Uni
versitv is divided into seven colleges
the Summer Session and the University Extension. The colleges and
schools thus established are those of
Arts and Science, Engineering, Agri
i .cultural, Law, Education, University
jp., . and Graduate Work.
library which can be
also maintains a
r; used by citizens of the State. This
i&k library now consists of 02,000 volumes
rJOVand is engaged in garnering museum
73k material that illustrates the history
tfitJ: and development of Kentucky.

vj.vj-t- i

Dr. Frank L. McVey, President of the University of Kentucky, came here
as its chief executive in 1916. The increase in the enrollment from l.dbo
2,161 and the high place which the University now holds in comparison
other state universities has inspired confidence of leaders in Doctor McVey
ability as an educator and as an executive.

What the University

lieges to none.
As a department of the University

wits created in September, 1885, under
the various provisions of the federal
law which provide annual appropria
for the support of the Experi
ment Station. In 1912, the legislature
yoted an appropriation of $50,000 in
addition to the amounts granted by
for this
the Federal Government

of the registrar

dustry, mining and engineering
Kentucky and elsewhere. The Col
lege has been investigating the oil
shale and has estimated that there
are ninety billion tons of surface oil
shale deposits in Kentucky which arc
capable of producing nearly one bar
rel to the ton at a little more than
the oil well producer system. This
means that there will be an industry
in Kentucky, in the future, that will
rival the coal industry in extent. roi
a number of years the Civil Engineer
mg Department in this College ha
made for the State Road
ment. for corporations and for in
ctividuals several rock tests that havcsaved the State many thousands of
The College of Education is sending
out carefully prepared teachers who
are filling important positions in the
schools of the Mate
The College of Law is placing men
in the State who are becoming the
leaders of their profession
The College of Agriculture
trained farmers and Home Economics
leaders who contribute their knowl
edge and good sense to the advance
ment of farms and homes in the
The discoveries and work of the Ex
periment Station have added many,
many thousands, even millions ot dol
lars to the wealth of the State which
are destined to increase its wealth
even more in the future. It has been

100 percent val
uation pinns placing a minion and
half at tho disposal of Purdue nnd
like amount for tho University oMn
Visconsin with the same area
as Kentucky, practically equal population nnd with S2",500,000,000 upon its
assessment ro)l ns compared
Kentucky's two billion nnd a quarter
irceiy lurnishes more thnn seven
times the amount for University
Wisconsin expends $1.14 per
capita, Indiana vuc, Uhlo aoc, lllinoi
;joc, nnd Kentucky 14c.
Illinois hns already invested $9,000
000 in its plant: Ohio $7,000,000. Wis
consin $9,000,000; Purdue $2,400,000
ana Kentucky $1,250,000.
With tho exception of a shop erect
cd during tho war from federal funds
no new construction hnq boon rnrri'ivl
out during the past ten years at the
University of Kentucky, while these
institutions just to our north lihvc
now modern buildings and contem
piaie iiirincr construction nt once,
rurdue will hnvc in the next tw
years $1,200,000 for buildings and
other institutions in proportion. With"
a growth of 250 percent in the stu
dent body in the University of Ken
lucky in ten years, the floor area for
instruction purposes hns increased by
. percent.
Practically in every field of educa
tion these institutions eclipse the Uni
versity of Kentucky. Tho buildim-- n
of our own institution are inadequate
oiu. tno cnuinmcnt insufTir ont
ana the farm lands for agricultural
liiivin-.u- ,
uni! instructional pur
uaus meagre in acreage.
The presidents of the institutions
and the deans of the agricultural col
lunua visncu concurred tn the view
thnt agricultural instruction and demonstration required not less than 1,000
acres. This judgment was reached
after long experience. Kentucky has
only 240 acres at the University now
owned. In the matter of engineering
unu mooruiory equipment the needs
are equally great.
To be able' to take a position com
mensurate with the population and
wealth of the State and to be equipped
.uuvc.- nie pressing educational re
quirements of its citizens, this com
mission is convinced thnt tho tts.
versity of Kentucky must have in the
near iuture the following buildings:
Chemistry building, equipped to in
struct i,uuu students.
An auditorium with a seating ca
Iicity oi z,DUU.
Dormitories for women.
Dormitories for men.
A gymnasium for women.
A gymnasium for men.
A modern dairy building equipped
for the production, manufacture and
oi dairy products.
An agricultural engineering build

roll of five billions,

sissippi Valley, and there are few re
gions in the world where so large an
area with so little waste land can be
found." No statein the Union, with,
perhaps, the exception of Pennsyl
vania, is so well endowed with natural
Indiana with much less fertile land
produces more corn, oats and wheat
per acre each year. If the same
acreage yield were applied to Kentucky fields there would be an addition
of 59,700,000 annually; if applied to
the average, yield of Illinois it would
mean an enhancement of forty-fou- r
millions to Kentucky's income.
same thing applied tb Ohio's average
yield in these three staples would enhance Kentucky's income on the same
number of acres, eighty million dollars annually. Such are some of the
things accomplished by the Experiment Station.
The College of Commerce was created in the spring of 1925 and proposes to give instruction similar to
.hat offered by other such colleges
of the country. It already has 187
3tudents enrolled in it and a faculty
well equipped to instruct them in all
lines of business both from si prac
tical and theoretical point of view.
The University of Kentucky is a
:onstant contributor to the welfare of
Kentucky. Better equipped with buildings, instruments, books and larger
itaff it could accomplish still more.

and equipment at the University of
Kentucky, we have been so conserva
tive that we have a feeling that an
apology should be made to the future
college men and women of our btate,
It is far short of what the University
Commission recommended
in 1921
Facts concerning this body and its
recommendations are given in full.

The University Commis
It was these facts together with the
needs of the University that led the
Board of Trustees in their meetintr
February, 1921, to adopt a resolution
leading to the creation of the Univer
3ity Commission for the purpose
securing an unbiased study that would
lead to definite recommendations. In
May, 1921, the Commission consisting
of John r. Hager, Ashland; Georgi
E. Engel, Covington; W. K". Stewart,
Louisville; D. W. Gardner, Salyers
vine; Stanley Keed, Maysville: B.
Forgey, Ashland; Harry Giovannoli
Lexington; Lewis Humphrey, Louis
ville; F. M. McKee, Versailles; New
ton Bright, Eminence
Ellis, Sturgis; Clem S. Nunn, Marion
George Colvin, Frankfort; W. T. Fow
ler, Frankfort; J. F. Bosworth, Mid
dlesboro; J. D. Mocquot,
Rainey T. Wells, Murray; E. L. Har
rison, Lexington, and E. H. Woods,


A home economics building.
A heating plant.

Engineering shops.
An armory.
Barns for horse3, beef cattle, swine
uiiu uiucninery.
A new poultry plant.
A library building.
The inadequacy of the herds, flocks

tuckians, if our industry is to be
manned, our cducationnl institutions
officered nnd our scientific work done
by the coming generation of the children of this commonwealth, they must
bo trained In nn institution properly
financed nnd adequately equipped. To
achieve this result requires- the cooperation of every citizen interested
in the development of cducationnl
The university can but
Its support must come from
the people of Kentucky.
George E Engel, W. K. Stewart,
D. W. Gardner, Stanley Reed, B. F.
Forgey, Harry Giovannoli, p. M.

',!n.nROr Louls Humph-rey- ,
Newton Bright, Charles H. Ellis,
Clem S. Nunn, George Colvin, W. T
Fowler, .!. F. Bosworth, J. D. Mocquot
McKenzie Moss Rainey T.
L, Hnrrion E. II. Woods. Wells, E

Minimum Funds Needed for 1926 to '28
The amounts previously
stated arc
what we believe and the University


should be given

the University of Kentucky over
period of from six to ten years.
most ardent supporter of the university cannot hope to hav the coming
session of the legislature
make an
appropriation of $10,000,000 to be
used over a period of ten
years, or
even an appropriation
of $5,000,000
to be expqnded within
years but it is entirely next five
for all who are interested in the university to expect that the 1920
of the legislature will bear session
vers tynffhri0hd,Vf whlch the
ex st without


VP?"113 unvcrsity for
and educa"onal work

A Women's Dormitory
The i first and second payment on 103 acres of land
now lying between two

the University Experiment
Station farms
? 5000o
Two buildings to house s6me
of the departments of the
university and supply additional offices and recitation space each
Annual support of Summer
610,000 ,
judment this is. at least
SloonnT. less
than what should be giv- to carry n its
next-twyears in a respectable manner.
When we compare it with a
other universities it certainly looks
I i923 the state of West
Virginia appropriated for her
.11,300,000; Tennessde
372; Missouri $1,144,000, and $806,
sums were given in addition to
regular maintenance. During th
same year, 1923, the legislature of
of $3,266,000 for her university, and
in addition to this had already
o $5,283,000 annually.
bhall we stand idly by and see our
sister states outdistance us in giving
he young men and young women of
.hese states so much better educational advantages thnn tho
girls of Kentucky? We pride ourselves on haying the best state in the
union in wnjen to live, but when' we
cake an inventory of unmn nf
needs for which WG flrp nil Wannnni1.lA
our heads begin to bow and in shame
the admission comes thnt ntho
are leading us in many of the things
re most essential to health,
wealth and happiness.



and studs for the work in animal
husbandry is more than marked; it
is astonishing. Substantial expenditures should be made in this direction
at once. The Experiment station has
performed splendid work with tho
Build- Pageville, visited the University at xunds that it has received from the
state, giving enormous returns for the
Lexington and then proceeded
to expenditure. Fifty
Columbus, Ohio, afterwards visiting annually has been thousand dollars
Lafayette, ind., Madison, Wis., and the purpose of the appropriated StaExperiment
University of Kentucky is to plants of 111., where they inspected the tion. This should be increased to
If the
the University of Ohio, Pur $iuu,uuu annually to provided readequately meet the demands for in- University, University
itruction and training which will be" due and the University of Wiscon sources not onlv to enrrv nn tm
of Illinois "Jrfndy in progress, but to give the
made upon it within the next five sin
Upon their return
or six years, expenditures to the sued the followingthe Commission is uuueu iunas necessary lor the invest!
statement to the gation of the problems of
amount of $5,100,000 will have "to be people of Kentucky.
mg, i arm management, and main
made and would be distributed about
tenance oi soil fertility.
as follows:
The soil
surveys and demonstration fields
I. HousingNand Care of Students
now in operation should be continued
1. Men's dormitories (600
anq enlarged.
men, 6 buildings)
At the earliest Opportune timn nrn,
2. Women's
Thi University has a considerable
vision should be made for th ootoi,
(400 women, 2 buildnone ot them
lishment of
f Stnumber of buildings but
500,000 To the People of Kentucky:
!$is expensive and the majority of them
to provide for the invest;
Some alumni now Vmld.'nn3. Hospital and infirmary
Awere built with minimum amounts oi
The Board of Trustees of the Uni agricultural problems
70,000 versity of Kentucky undoubtedly has successiuuy solved at that cannot be offices are as follows:
for sick students
Sirionev. The dormitory for men
the university,
the most expensive buildinir on
4. Commons, dining hall
at heart the interest of the people of Appropriations for agricultural v. tucky.J. Fileds ex- ' Rnvomnx f v
and cafeteria
350,000 ivntucKy. They leel that the devlop
tension required to offset Smith-Levthe campus and was constructea at a
Sam H. Monarch, ex''
mem. oi Kentucky industrially, agri funds appropriated
cost of $150,000 which was a special shown that discoveries in soil
Congress Secretary of
5. Women's
b u i di n g
culturally, and educationally depend: should be continued annuallv. These
appropriation of the llNiU legislature. tions alone already put into practice
and field
O, J. Jones.-ex-1Chief ClprV n
in no small measure upon the main uijjjruynauons enable the Agricult partment
In 1908 the legislature appropriated in the state nave saved more man
for women)
of Education.
of the annual support received from the
.enance of a Inch erade State Uni ural College of the University of Ken
$200,000 for the construction
L. N. Taylor. '02. Rural Sohl
buildings at the University and since State.
$1,920,000 versity where the youth of our State tucKy to extend its services to the agent.
may have educational advantages people of the state and bring to them
The development of the root-ro- t
that date no buildings lor educational
Mark Godman '17, Supervisor of
equal to the best. For years the Uni- me iniormation that will rpsnit in
purposes have been erected from sistant tobacco saves Kentucky farm II. Educational Facilities
1. Addition
to Library
by the crs many thousands of dollars an
versity oft Kentucky has been in the a marked increase in the agricultural High school.
special appropriations made
G. I. Barnes '19. Director of vo
(Reading room
legislature. In other words, the reci- nually by enabling them to grow to
me procession,
ine state.
cational Education.
stacks for departments)S 250,000 iuui ui a step forward, ine time has vveaitn oi opinion
tome for
tation and laboratory space for the bacco on land infected with the black
the more so
In the
of this commiRsfan
C. M. C. Porter '2K.
by root-ro2. Recitation building for
University has not been increased
Decause Kentucky cannot advance as not less than $8,000,000 will be needed the. 12th
a disease widely spread in
department of English,
lar as it should unless' there is turned for capital additions
the State lor a period ot eighteen he State. In addition, much progress
ex senator from
back into her population, a steady plant and equipment to the university
Mathematics and Lan
years. During the World War the has been made in the control of wik
in the next half
27th District.
250,000 flow of young men and women who a aozen years,
Federal Government made an allow- fire and angular leaf spot, two dis
with th fmwh
H. M. Brock,
Rpnntor frnrvt
U,v t ho erection of a shop in eases very destructive to tobacco.
( Biol
have had training in business and being automatically
3. Science Buildinir
forced by the the 33rd District.
army mechanics. The
which to
ogy, Botany, Physiology) 150,000 professional fields. Contemplating the large intlux of students, nnprntinc
The Kentucky Experiment Manor,
J. Woodford Hownrri '5n
'University took advantage of this to has developed a strain of wheat thax
natter seriously, the Board of Trus vAjjcnuiiures must substantially
4. Physics
150,000 ;ees
in from the 34th District.
This yields, in many instances, more thai
K'l.liiiild a permanent structure.
asked a number of citizens to crease.
5. Building for Commerce
E. M. Johnson '21. Spnntor from
nake a journey of inspection to the
addition to the chemistry three bushels to the acre above thi
y$ux n
and Business
The income of the universitv wnat the 62nd District.
CVbuilding has been made at a cost yield of other wheat. If the farmer
universities oi unio, Indiana,
Otto C. Gartin '20. Rpnntoi- - from
6. Engineering "shop and
uu increased 4JUU.uuu annuallv in tho
and Illinois nnd to report tholr
It. of S18G.000.00: 5130,393.14 Ot this of Kentucky
would use this strait.
building for drawing
nnmngs, alter studying the conditions next two years, with addit onal in the 89th District.
nmnunt came from the Bingham In approximately two million dollar
W. O. Keller '25. Sonntnr from tho
400,000 in the umvensty of Kentucky, to tho creases to meet additional needs. Not
& 'horitmice Tax and the rest from would be added annually to their in
7. University High School,
people of the State. In accordance less than SBOO.OOO should be providpH 14th District.
SF operating income.
M. B. Daniels '25. Senator from tho
Tenchers' Training
with that request, this commission annually for tho next ten years for
After various investigations and
These are the only two additions
made a visit of a week's durat nn tn uiu construction OI buildings and tho 1st District.
8. Agricultural
purcnase oi additional enuinmnnt nm
made at the University for recitation, experiments, serums have been per
200,000 tno universities above referred to.
laboratory or shop space during the fected whereby contagious abortion in
9. Purchase of additional
From this survey of these univer
It has therefore mare and foraire noisoninc in animals
. nast eighteen years.
This commission has found that tho
for Experiment
sitis, this commission found a great personnel o: the University of Ken- been necessary to utilize basement have been controlled or eliminated.
100,000 variation in tno character of the work
Many improvements and discoveries
Station Farm
space and to convert two old dormitor-- s
resoectpH in tho
iuckv is known
done and tho funds provided for car educational fieldand
Jcs, no longer usable for residences that have meant, and will mean in the 10. Home Economics
of which it is a
150,000 rying it out.
.vfor students, into recitation buildings. future, literally millions to Kentucky
part. Considering the iniufommpv nf
(Hlii this way, the University has been and Kentucky's farmers have been
11. Purchase of Equip
For the year endinir July 1. 1921. n the 'equipment furnished, the character
Stable to supply, in part, the need for made. The county agents and home
100,000 tax of 2,000,000 was levied for Ohio of the work done is extraordinarily
Meantime the
demonstration agents take to the
.f recitation rooms.
Mate university, for Purdue $900,000, high. As an educational leader, Presibody has increased about three home of the people these discoveries
2,000,000 Wisconsin 83,000,000, Illinois $2,500,- - dent McVey stands on a oar with tho
times and it is impossible that will make far greater wealth and III. General Needs
wv nu xiuuvuvny
ine leg- chief executives of other state instituior this situation to continue if the greater happiness. And yet with in
tions. Kentucky has the basis for n
1. Auditorium
$ 350,000 islatures of the States of Ohio,
University is to meet the demands creased equipment and with funds foi
Illinois and Wisconsin during
2. Heating Plant and Tun
rait institution. Its leaders nro mon
that are now being made upon it for additional workers the University
their present sessions have materially of wide experience and high standing
"the purpose of instruction. In order could bring to a greater number ol
increased the figures given above for in their various lines. Under the direc3. Purchase of land for
the future it the
tio meet the demands of the State to tific people of Kentucky greater scienthe coming bennium so thut these tion of President McVev. Kentuelcinns
dormitories and other
ifwill be necessary for
75,000 institutions will have from their who take a nrido in the position hohl
larger investments in the UniOf Kentucky's 40,000 square miles
states increases varvinir from 30 in by their chief institution of learning
4. Campus
roads and
W. C, Wilson has been secretary
versity if the increasing requirements 10,000 are unsurpassed in fertility
may iook iorwaru to a development
30,000 CO per cent.
of ligh school graduates for college 22,000 more, not quite equal to the
the Alumni Association for two
5. University debt
Kentucky excels these States in which will place our university in a
education is met.
best, are still excellent; only ubou;
6. Museum to house valnatural resources and this Commis position second to none in its special years. He prosecuted a vigorous
il il ilil 7,000 arc of an inferior quality anc
uable University collecThis result, however, can ho campaign in behalf
ion is ot the opinion that their
According to reports made by the much of this is studded with coal
obtained only by the expenditure of for an appropriation of the university
oenor industrial and agricultural
in 1924. and has
State Board of Education in 1917 clay, stone and iron deposits. Na
elopment is largely traceublo to the money. We can buy only what we
fostered the idea of resolutions being
'there were 1,200 graduates of the thuniul Shaler, one of America!
$1,180,00C ntensivo training provided for their pay for.
thigh schools in this state. In 1924 greatest geologists, end incidentally, i
itizens oy the excellently equipped
If the youth of Kentucky nn to passed by alumni clubs throughout
there were about 6,000 such gradu Kentuckian, wrojfe, "It is doubtfu J 'rani) totul
tate institutions. Compare their
entucky and outside of the state
have educational opportunities equul
if an equally good showing can b 1 In making this statement concern
ates. Of this number about
budgets with that of Ken- to those of other commonwealths, if ndorsing the university's program
renter college. According to figures made for uny other state in the Mis- - ng the needs of funds for building tucky. Indiana with an assessment Kentucky
is to bo developed by Ken-- 1 expansion.

Buildings and


ing and Equipment




Report of the University

Alumni Holding State













one-ha- lf


,hard-arc,oer- o




one-ha- lf

