60 " A
K Fer several years; so that the annual expense
‘ of turniture tor eech student should not ex— “
ceed ?e.oo.
No charge is_mede tor Tuition, and
hence the entire expenses of a student in the ·
Adelphian Cmub, exclusive ot what he may
spend in traveling and for clothing, are a—
T bout as Follows; for janitor’s fce,$5.00;
use ot furniturc,$5.00; room fee, $5.oo;
boarding, $60.00; washing, tuel, liphts, r
$18.00; books and stationery, $20.00; making
in all $llZ.00 tor a session of forty weeks.
Students are received at any time; but
if possible all should be present and have
their rooms secured on Saturday preceding ; {
the opening of the session. No room can be
secured for any new student in anticipation
» of his arrival at the University, nor until
he shall have obtained his nermit from the
Wegent. Those who design to enter the Col-
lege of the Bible should come directly to
the brick dormitory, and inouire for the `
Steward of the Adelphian Club. By so doing {
they will save themselves both trouble and
expense. "
Students occupying a room may by apply— ;[
ing to the Tresiding Ofticer secure the same 1
for the next session; proyided, that they be ~
present at the beginning ot the session. 1
But after that any vacant room will always Al
be given to the First applicant.
p This Society is composed ot students _
belonging to the College of the Bible. They
have weekly meetings for the purnose of re— -
‘ citing portions ot the Holy Scriptures, read-
ing moral and religious essays, delivering
’ suitable discourses, investigating topics ot
interest, and rcnorting on the progress ot `
Christianity and the religious condition ot