’ !
also contains an estimate of the student’s conduct in the
recitation-room, his industry and punctuality, as well as of Q
his general conduct, or conduct outside of the recitation-room,  
estimated on the same scale, from all the facts of which the  
proper Faculty may have certain knowledge.  
For the accommodation of young men who may be unable  
to complete a liberal course of study, it is provided that a  
student may graduate in any School of the University on  
the following conditions:  
1. That he shall have been at least one year a student  
of the University, and that he shall have completed in a '
satisfactory manner all the required studies of said school,’or  
what the Professor thereof may judge to be a fair equivalent;  
. the standard of graduation in each school being not less than  
seventy—five per centum of the scale on which one hundred  
denotes perfection. i
2. That he shall have observed habitually all the rules and
regulations of the University.  
He will then be entitled to a Certificate of Graduation, ·
signed by the Professor, in which may be stated his grade
of scholarship in said School, and likewise his general stand-
ing with respect to conduct and application to study.
When any student shall have thus graduated in the Schools
of the English Language and Literature, Philosophy, Mathe-
‘ matics, Greek, Latin, Sacred History, Civil History, Chem- ;
istry, and Natural History in the College of Arts, he may  
receive, free of charge, the regular degree of ~ Bachelor of ‘
Arts; provided that he shall have paid all dues, and that he
shall have faithfully complied with the laws and regulations.
The candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts may,
however, be permitted to study, instead of the Calculus and
the senior Greek and Latin, a full course in any two of the i
modern languages. `