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if When any student shall have graduated in the Schools of
· the English Language and Literature, Philosophy, Chemistry,
lll Experimental Philosophy, Natural History, Mathematics, and
i Civil History, and in Drawing and Accounts in the Agricul-
I tural and Mechanical College, he may receive, free of charge,
F the degree of Bachelor of Science. _
f Whenever any student shall have graduated in all the
A   Schools in the College of the Bible, he shall be entitled to ‘
; receive, free of charge, a Diploma; provided, however, that he
{ shall have received the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the
i` College of Arts, or in some other institution of equal rank.
Q Whenever any student shall have graduated in all the l
5 Schools of the College of Law, he shall be entitled to receive,
  free of charge, the degree of Bachelor of Law.
L‘ A student may be admitted to the regular degree of
  Master of Arts {in the College of Arts, or of Master of
  Science in the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Ken- _
  tucky, on the following conditions: p
li I. That he shall have first received the degree of Bachelor ‘ p
  of Arts, or of Bachelor of Science, and been at least one year : .
Q a student of the University.
  2. That he shall have passed a satisfactory examination A il
before the proper Faculty in at least three elective branches.  J
3. That he pay to the Library Fund a fee of ten dollars. q
4. No honorary degree shall be conferred. _  
H It is presumed that every one qualihed to enter the Uni-
versity as a student will have some acquaintance with the Hrst ` ·
principles of morality, propriety, and decorum, and that it will i
therefore be unnecessary to prescribe a full and complete code »
of specific rules and regulations. But it will be expected and
required of every student—
I. That he be diligent in study ; punctual in his attendance _
upon worship, recitations, examinations, and all other University