t he son of God, our blessed R edeemer, offered h imself, on Mount C a l v a r y , a v oluntaiy sacrifice for the salvation of our s pecies; a nd m ore t han half of mankind continue to deny his divine mission and t he t ruth o f h is s acred word. W e may boldly challenge the annals of human nature for the re c ord of any human plan, for the melioration of the condition or a d vancement of the happiness of our race, which promised m ore u n mixed g ood, o r m ore c omprehensive b eneficence t han that of African C olonization i f carried into f ull e xecution. Its b enevolent p urpose is not limited by the confines o f one Continent, nor to the p rosperity of a solitary race, but e mbraces t wo of the largest quarters of the earth, and the p eace a nd happiness of both of the descriptions of their present inhabitants, with the countless millions o f their posterity who are to s ucceed. I t appeals for aid and support to the friends of liberty here and every where. T h e Colonists, r eared in the bosom o f this Republic, with a p erfect k nowledge of a ll t he blessings which f reedom i mparts, altho' they have not a l ways been a ble themselves to share them, w i l l c arry a recollection o f it to A frica, p lant it there, and spread it o ver h er boundless t erritory. A nd may we not indulge the h ope t hat, in a period of t ime not surpassing in duration, that of our own Colonial and N a tional e xistence, we s hall b ehold a confederation of Republican S tates, on the Western s hores o f A frica, l i k e o ur own, with their C ongress and annual Legislatures thundering forth in behalf of the r ights of man, and making tyrants tremble on their thrones ? It a ppeals for aid and support to the friends of c ivilization t hroughout t he world. A frica, a ltho' a portion of it was among the first to e merge f rom barbarism, is now greatly in the rear of a l l t he C o n tinents, i n knowledge, and in the arts and s ciences. A m e r i c a o wes to the old world a d ebt o f gratitude for the possession o f them. C a n s he discharge it in any m ore s uitable manner than that of of transplanting t hem on a part of its o wn soil, by means o f its owu sons, w hose a ncestors w ere t orn by fraud and violence from their native h ome and thrown here into bondage ? It powerfully appeals for s upport to patriotism and humanity. If we w ere to invoke the greatest b lessing on earth, which Heaven, in its mercy, could now bestow on this nation, it would be the separation of the two most n umerous r aces o f its population and their c omfortable e stablishment i n d istinct and distant countries. T o say nothing of the greatest d ifficulty i n the formation of our present happy Constitution, which a rose out of this mixed condition of our p eople, n othing of the distracting M issouri question which was so threatening; nothing of o thers, springing from the same f ruitful s ource, w hich yet agitate u s, who can contemplate the future without the most a wful apprehensions? Who, i f this promiscuous residence of whites and blacks, o f freemen and slaves, is forever to continue, can imagine the servile w ars, the carriage and the crimes which w i l l be its probable c onsequcuces, w ithout shuddering w i t h horror ? It finally appeals e mphatically for aid and support to the reverend clergy and sin-