gents the f orce and grandeur of a nohle Steamer majestically aacepding, and w ith ease s ubduing, the current of the M ississippi, i n c omparison w ith t he f eeble a nd tottering c anoe, m oving slowly a mong the reeds that fringe its shores. It holds up the image of t he resistless povv  >r o f the M ississippi i tself, rushing from the summits o f the Rockey Mountains and marking its d eep and broad and r apid c ourse through the heart of this Continent, thousands of miles, t o the G ulph o f Mexico, in comparison w ith t hat of an obscure r i v u let w inding its undiscernable way through dark and dense forests o r luxurient P rairies, i n which it is quickly and forever lost. G entlemen of the Colonization Society of Kentucky ! not one word n eed be added, in conclusion, to animate your perseverance or to S timulate y our lubors, in the humane cause which you have deliberatel y e spoused. W e have reason to believe that we have been hitherto f avored, and s hall c ontinue to be blessed, w ith t he smiles of P r o v i dence. C onfiding in his approving judgment and conscious ofthe benevolence and purity of our intentions, we may fearlessly advance in o ur great work. A n d , when we s hall, as soon w e must, be translated f rom this into another form of existence, is the h ope p resumptuous that we shajl there behold the common F a t h e r of whites a nd o f blacks, the great R u l e r of the Universe, cast his All-seemg e ye upon civilized and regenerated A frica, i ts cultivated fields, its coasts s tudded w ith n umerous cities, adorned w ith t owering temples, dedicated to the pure religion of his redeeming Son, its farfamed N i g e r , and other great rivers, lined w ith flourishing v i l l a ges, and navigated w ith t hat wonderful power which American genius first successfully applied; and that, after dwelling w ith s atis* f action, u pon the glorious spectacle he w i l l d eign to look w ith a pprobation upon us, His humble instruments, who have contributed to p roduce it?