g ression of dedicating a few passing observations to the interesting r emnant of these p rimitive p ossessors o f the new world. I have n ever b een a ble to a gree i n the e xpediency o f employing any extraordinary exertions to blend the white and c opper c oloured r aces t ogether, by the c eremony o f marriage. There would be a motive f or it i f the Indians w ere e qual or superior to their white brethren, i n p hysical or intellectual p owers. B u t the fact is believed to be o therwise. T h e mixture improves the Indian, but deteriorates the E uropean element. Invariably it is remarked, that those o f the m ixed blood, among the Indians, are their superiors, i n war, i n c o u n c i l , and i n the p rogress o f the useful arts, whilst they remain i n the rear of the pure white r ace s till f arther than they are i n advance o f the pure Indian. In those i nstances (chiefly among the F rench) during the p rogress o f the settlement of this continent, i n w hich the settlers have had m ost i ntercourse with the Indians^ they h ave rather sunk to the level of their state, than contributed essentially to their civilization. B u t i f there be no a dequate r ecommendation to the white race, of a n u nion by intermarriage, with the Indian, we are enjoined by e very duty of religion, humanity and magnanimity to treat them w ith k indness and justice, and to recall them i f we can, from their s avage to a better condition. T h e United States stand charged w ith the fate of these poor c hildren of the woods i n the f ace o f their c ommon M a k e r , and i n p resence o f the world. A n d , as certain as t he guardian is answerable for the education of his infant w a r d , a nd the management of his estate, w i l l t hey be responsible here a nd hereafter, for the manner i n which they s hall p erform the d u ties of the high trust which is committed to their hands, by the f orce o f circumstances. Hitherto, since the United States b ecame a n i ndependent p ower a mong the nations of the earth, they have g enerally treated the Indians with justice, and performed towards t hem a l l the offices o f humanity. T h e i r policy, i n this r espect, w as vindicated during the negotiations at Ghent, and the principles w hich guided them i n their relations with the Indians, w ere t hen p romulgated to a l l Christendom. O n that o ccasion, t heir representatives, holding up their c onduct i n advantageous contrast with t hat of Great B r i t a i n , a nd the other p owers o f Europe, s a i d : " F r o m " the rigor of this system, h owever, a s practised by Great B r i t a i n " a nd a l l the European p owers i n A m e r i c a , the humane and liber" al policy of the United States has voluntarily relaxed. A c ele" brated writer on the laws of nations, to w hose a uthority B r i t i s h " j u r i s t s h ave taken particular satisfaction i n appealing, aftersta" ting, i n the most e xplicit manner, the legitimacy of colonial set" tlements in A m e r i c a , to the exclusion of all-rights of uncivilized ft I ndian t ribes, has taken o ccasion to praise the first settlers of " N e w - E n g l a n d , a nd the founder of Pennsylvania, i n having pur" chased of the Indians the lands they resolved to cultivate, notft w ithstanding t heir being provided with a charter from their ft sovereign. It is this example which the United State's, since they