
T i m e a lone, which unveils every thing permitted men to see, c an disclose the c onsequences, n ow wrapt in futurity, of the state o f things w h i c h I have slightly touched. B u t , without violating h is p rerogative, we may venture to catch, i n a nticipation, a g limpse o f some o f them. T h e humanity of the slave states of the U n i o n has prompted t hem greatly to meliorate the condition of slaves. T h e y are protected i n a l l instances by just laws, from injury extending to their l ives, a nd i n many, from cruelty applied to their persons. P u b l i c o pinion h as d one e ven m ore t han the laws i n elevating their condition i n the scale of human existence. In this State, as well as i n o thers, they are treated w ith m uch kindness, and abundantly s upplied w ith s ubstantial food o f meat and bread and vegetables, a nd c omfortable clothing, whilst they arc moderately tasked i n l abor. B u t s till t hey are s ubject to many c i v i l d isabilities, and t here is a vast s pace b etween them and the race of freemen. Our l aws continue to regard them as property, and consequently, as i nstruments o f labor, bound to o bey the mandate of others. A s a m ere labourer, the slave feels t hat he toils for his master and not h imself; that the laws do not recognize his capacity to acquire and h old p roperty, which d epends a ltogether upon the pleasure of his p roprietor; and that all the fruits of his exertions are reaped b y o thers. He knows that, whether sick or w e l l , i n times of s carcity o r abundance, his master is bound to provide for him by the a i l p owerful influence of the motive of self interest. H e is generally, t herefore, indifferent to the adverse or prosperous fortunes of his m aster, being contented, i f he can e scape h is displeasure or chast isement, by a careless and slovenly performance of his ditties. T h i s i s the state of the relation of master and slave, prescribed b y the law of its nature and founded in the reason of t hings. T here a re undoubtedly many exceptions, i n which the slave dedicates h imself to his master w ith a z ealous and g enerous d evotion, and t he master to the slave w ith a p arental and affectionate attachment. B ut i t is not my purpose to speak of those p articular though endearing i nstances of m utual r egard, but of the general state of the u n fortunate relation. T h a t l abour is best, i f it can be commanded, i n which the labourer knows that he w i l l d erive the profits of his industry, that his e mployment d epends u pon his diligence, and his reward upon his a ssiduity. H e has then every motive to excite him to exertion and to animate him i n perseverance. H e knows that i f he is treated b adly he can e xchange h is employer for one who w i l l b etter estimate his service, that he does not entirely depend upon another's b eck a nd nod, and that whatever he earns is his, to be distributed b y himself as he pleases, among his wife and children and friends, o r e njoyed b y himself. H e feels, i n a word, that he is a free a gent, w ith r ights and privileges and sensibilities. W herever the option exists to employ, at an equal hire, free o r s lave labour, the former w i l l be dccidedlv preferred, for the reaB
