"For how long "-without looking up.
  "Perhaps, forever." Trag .cally.
  "You are better at making a fire than I had
supposed. Will you give me Dix"   This with
the flash of a dimple.
  "I-I--yes--if you want him."
  I glanced at her face just in time to see the
dimples disappear. " I am thinking of being mar-
ried next week." Miy heart stopped beating.
  " You were-what  "
  "lBut of course if you are going awav I could
not do it, could I "  Her eyes sought mine, then
  "Eleanor!"  I tried to possess myself of her
hland; but she put it behindc her. I tried to secure
the other; but that also cDisappeared. Then I
took--herself. "Eleanor!"  11er face next sec-
ond had grown grave. She looked up suddenly
ancd looked me full in the eves.
  "You are a goose. What would you think if I
were to say I would marry you right awa"'
She looked down again quickly, and her face was
sweet with tenderness.
  I was conscious of a sudden drawing in of my
breath, and a feeling as if I[ were rising into the
sky, "rimmed by the azure world." Then nmy
brain began to act, and I seemed to have been