"cHe is really the raost unpractical man on
earthl," I fumed. 'Here we have gotten him a
good call to a church that many a man would
jump at, and when he finds a difficulty in the
way, we work until we have removed it and
yet he rejects it. HIe will remain an assist-
ant to the end of his davs."  My wife made
no reply, a sure sign that she did not agree
with me, but did not care to discuss the mat-
ter. It is her most effective method of refut-
ing me.
  When we arrived we found the little church
packed to suffocation and men on the outside
leaning in at the windows. Among them I recog-
nized the tall form of my old drummer. As we
joined the group, John Marvel's voice, clear and
strong, came floating out through the open win-
  He was giving out a hymn.

            One swveetly solemn thought
            Comes to me o'er and o'er:
            I am nearer home to-day
            Than I ever have been before."

  The whole congregation joined in, those with-
out the church as well as those who were