June 23, 1863

Bible Chair

Cu rri culum

al Chair

Gov. Bonds

on Agricul-
tural Chair

Report of
the Treas-

     The Connittee to who& was referred the Report of Gen'l Agent
offered the following Report which was adoptedl
     1. That a Chair of Biblice.l Literature and Christian Philosophy
be established in Ky. University under the titl, of, the eat. of
25000 # having been paid in for that purpose.
     2. That the Faculty, in connection with the Ex. Comn. take into
serious consideration as aoon as possible, the expediency of either
raising the Standard of scholarship as a condition of ad-mission in-
to the University, or of abridging the course of study, or of ex-
tending the time of instruction in the several Departments.
     3. That a Committee be appointed to inquire into the exped-
iency of establishing an Agricultural Chair in connection with the
late action of Congress on the subject of agricultural Schools.
     4. That the gen'l agent be authorized to invest a portion of
the endowment funds in Gov 5mS0 bonds, as soon as such funds may
come into his hands.
     The following Committee was on motion appointed to carry out
the third resolution rocorded abovel
     C. T. Worthington )
     J. B. Bowman       ) Committee
     0. L. Poston       )
     The Treasureris Report as reported and adopted in forenoon
is put to Record as followss
1863                     A
June 23 Endowment Fund                   Dr.              Cr.
     Total Cash Collections         126078.31
     By Stock Investments                            665oo.oo
       Funds temporarily invested                     58588.31
     " Cash in Bank                                   1000.00

                    Stock Fund
To 336 dertificates of Stock issued  98075.00
By Coupons Cancelled
" balance unredeemed



                 Apparatus Fund
To Cash Collected todate
" Cash note due
By bal paid on apparatus
           bt of P. T. Fall


