priated on the ratio of the Salaries of the Professors as
agreed upon by the Committee.
     On notion Board adjourned till tomorrow at 8 o'clock
after Prayer by Pros. Milligan.

                     -Jun  24, 1863

J. W. Mc_


Board of

Re solutions
de t e rmi ni ng
character of

of officers


     Board net at 8 o'olock A. M. Wednosday. There being no
quorum present the members adjourned to meet at 12 M.
12 M. Zlder J. W. MeGarvey took his seat as a sember of the
Board . On notion it was resolved that the Treasurer be and
hereby is instructed to publish the annual Catalogue of the
University and such other matter as may be deemed proper to-
gether the address of the special Committee.
     On motion the following gentlemen were elected a Board
of Visitors for the ensuing yearl
                             J. W. McGarvey
                             W. F. Patterson
                             Dr. Joseph Smith
                             Jno. Shackelford, Jun.
                             Jno. Aug. Williams
On motion of Jno. Aug. Williams it was resolvedS
     1. That in the judgement of this Board, the Faculty of
Ky. Uv. deserve the thanks of the Brotherhood throughout the
West for the faithful manner in which they have labored in
the cause of Education since their connection with our In.
stitution & especially during the distracted scones of the
past two years.
     2. That in the judgement of this Board. the influence
and rank of Ky. University in the State & in the Church must
depend upon the solid attainments & thorough  culture of its
Students, rather than upon the number that may crowd its Halls;
& therefore while a largo patronage is not of itself objec-
tionable, nor a small attendance at this time discouraging, yet
this Board, representing the sentiment of the Brotherhood are
fully persuaded that any energy of the Board of Curators &
Faculty should be directed to accomplish, in the most thorough
manner, & accxrd~ag tp9 tse 40ghest standards pf Collegiate
instruction, every student who may be found qualified for ad-
aission. On motion these resolutions were ordered to be printed
& published.
     On motion the rule was suspended & the present Board of
officers were reelected for the ensuing year.
     Resolved that the seats of               are hereby declared
vacant in accordance with the requirements of law & that the