Emmny Lou's Road to Grace

  Sea ' Prayers of the church were asked that
Sarah be preserved from the perils of land and
water! And Sarah was lost!
  Lost Was Sarah lost
  "We'll miss your voice, so sweet and strong
and true, in the hymns," Aunt Cordelia had
told Sarah.
  Would her voice be missed Her voice sing-
ing to the children to the end It came with
a flash of sudden comprehension to Emmy Lou,
lying there in Aunt Cordelia's big bed waiting
for her return, that Sarah's voice would not be
missed but heard forever, singing hymns to
the end to those little children of the King.
  "What does she want me to do now I'm in"
asked Albert Eddie. Sarah had answered him.
Make himself ready for whatsoever part should
be his.
  "The child, the poor, poor child, alone on
that great ship without kith or kin!" Aunt Cor-
delia had said, weeping.