small dormitory buildings upon premises owned by the University and
to be generally known and designated as Student Dormitories A, B, C,
D, E and F; and

    WHEREAS, plans and specifications for such construction have
been prepared and submitted to the Executive Committee of this Board
and the same have been approved and construction contracts have
been received and provisionally accepted, indicating to the Board of
Trustees that the cost of such buildings will exceed the available
funds on hand and which have been set aside for that purpose, by not
more than Seven Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ($ 710, 000. 00); and

    WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 162. 340 and succeeding
sections of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky, as the governing body of said state educational
institution, is authorized to issue bonds as hereinafter provided for the
purpose of financing the cost of said building and appurtenances to the
extent not otherwise provided;


    Section 1. That the plans and specifications prepared and submit-
ted to the Executive Committee of this Board for the construction of
six small dormitory buildings upon premises owned by the University
and which shall be generally known and designated as Student Dormitories
A., B, C, D, E and F, are hereby in all respects approved. Said build-
ings and appurtenances are hereinafter sometimes referred to as the

    Section 2. In order to provide for the payment of the costs of the
Project not otherwise provided, there shall be and there are hereby
ordered to be issued by the Board of Trustees of the University of Ken-
tucky, in its corporate capacity and by and through its corporate name,
and as a state educational institution and agency, bonds which shall be
designated "University of Kentucky Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1953"
in the aggregate principal amount of Seven Hundred Ten Thousand Dol-
lars ($ 710, 000. 00), dated May 1, 1953, consisting of Seven Hundred
Ten (710) bonds of the denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($ 1, 000. 00)
each, to be numbered consecutively from One (1) to Seven Hundred Ten
(710), both numbers inclusive, bearing interest to be evidenced by
coupons attached to each bond and maturing on November 1 and May 1 of
each year to the respective maturity dates of principal at a rate not
exceeding Six per cent per annum (6%6) (the exact rate to be determined
at the time of the receipt and consideration of financing proposals as
hereinafter provided). Said. bonds shall mature serially and in numerical
order as follows: