Ky., MaJ. Jo-eph M. OweN; lth Tenn., Col. Felix A.
Reeve. Tennesee Brigade, C,[. John 14. Casement.
CAVALRY CORPS, Brlg.-Ge.". James M. Shackelford.
FIRtST D11iSION, Brig.-Geu. William P. Sander_ in wi.
   C'1. Frank Wolford. Staff lOs": in v, 1.
 First Brigade, Col. Frank Wolford, Lieut.-Col. Silas
 Adam.s: 1st Ky., Lieut.-Col. Oil.s Adams; 11th Ky..
     ; 12th Ky., -  ; Lawrs Howitzer Battery,-
Brigade los: k, 6; w, 9; I., 10=24. 5ceosd Brigade,
Lielt.-Col. Emery S. Bnd1: 112th Ill. (louonted infantry;.
Msk). Tristram T. Dow: Sth Mieb.,      45th Ohio
nmlunted infantry), -; 15th tnd. Battery, -.
Brigade loss: k, 25; w, 65; 1i,64 =152. Third Brigade,

Col. Charles D. Pennebaker: 11th Ky., Cut. S. Palace
Love; 27th Ky.. Lieut.-Col. John It. Ward. Brigade
loss: k,4; w,12; mn,1=17.
SECO1D ,DIVlsl ;.
First Brigade, Cili. Israel tuarr-rd: 2.1 tio, Lieut.-
Col. George A. P .rln.lolt ; 7th Olhio,  ; 2d Tetit,.
(ifantry).    . Brigide los.: 1n., s. Twatl Unioi,
loas: killed 92, wouuded 394, casptured ot iilngsli.
207 = 693.
Inlila ohi iial report leliiral Burslitl, says:  O O-
force at this time leoniueneeli. ut of the siege) Wii
Ko..ville was about 12000 effective mnci, exctusite ,f
the new recruits of loyal Tenu-esans."


Lict.-(;e. James Longstreet. Staff loss: w, 1.

mcLtw"`s DtiVIsioi, Maj.-Gen. Lafayette MeLaws.
Krrsha.-s`s Brigade, Brig.-4eon. J-seph B. Kershaw: 2i
S. C , .,1. John. D. Kennedy (w,, Lieut.-CoL F. Gailliard;
31 S. C., CoL. James 0D. Nance; 7th S. C., Capt. E. J.
G(iugga.ts; Nth S. C., Col. J. W. Henagan, Capt. D. Me-
Intyre: 15th S. C., Maj. William M. Gist (k. Capt. J. B.
Davis; 3d S. C. Battalion, Lient.-CoL W. G. Rice. Bri-
gade los: k, 19; w, 116; in, 3 = 128. Woffoed's Brigade,
Col. S. Z. Ruff k), Lient.-Col. N. L. Hutchins, Jr.: 16th
Ga.. Lieot.-CoL Henry P. Tho mas (k); 18th tGa., Capt.
John A. Crawford; 24th Ga., Cqit. N. J. Dorteh; Coble.s
WGa.i Legion, Maj. Williani D. Conycra; Phillips (Ga.)
Legion, M1;i. Joseph Haunitton (w); 3d (lt. Battalion
Sharp-shoters. Lieut.-Cid. N. L. Hlutehis., Jr. Brigade
loss: k, 48; w, 121; m, 81 = 210. Hninphrrys's Brigade,
Bri.-Gin. Benjamin 0. Itampbreos: 12th Mis5.. Col.
KeRnon McElroy (k), Mali. G. L. Donald; 17th Miss.,
Licut.-Co. John C. Fier (wi; 18th Nl88., COt. Thoulti
M. (triffn; 2lst Mi..., Col. V. L. Bramilon. Brigade loss:
k, 21; w, 100; m, 16-SAl. ,2.7ut,..' BriJ;adc. Brig.-C ea
Goode Bryan: 18th aC-., Li .t.:CiL .  ilbl I2. iiV   50th.
Ga., C0i. P. M cGk-hau ; 1.t. (ia.,C-i. E. 4aIL; 53e  Vt ..
Col. Jam-es P. ilntmus 1w). Brigadoe los: k, 27; w, 121;
in, 64 = 212.                        -  -
H00 tD'0   OtVttN, 3Dlg.-liei.  7"th-ie'ikfiis. .
Jenkis's Bruqadl CAl. Jolin Bratioln:'rst S. C., Col. V.
W. Kilpatriek; 2d S. C. ilde., Col. Tio-a.ts Thmso-tu;
6th 8. C., CoL A. Cowari, 6sh S. G, -.-- j Hnniptoii
(B. C.) Legloio, Col. M. W. 0.ary; Pal-otto 5s C,-Sharp-
shooters, Col. Joseph Walker. Brigade lo)s: k, 22;  ,
1l09; In, 5 = 136.  bertsoni's Brigade. Brig.-Gen. Jerome
B. Robertaon: 3d Ark., (ol. Vail It. Mianting; lst Tex.,
Col. A. T. Rainey; 4th Tex., Col. J. C. G. Key; 5th Tex.,
Col. B. M. Powell. Brigade loss: k, 9; w, 1i; in, 6 = 33.
Lsie's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. E. Metier Law: 4th Ala., Cot.
P. D. Bwlesa; 15th Ala., Col. W. C. Oates; 44th Ala.,
Col. W. F. Perry; 47th Ala., Col. M. J. Bulger; 48th Ala.,
CoL Jame3 L Sheffield. Brigade los.: k, 16: w, 69; in,
8=92. Anderson's Brigade. Brig.-Gen. G. T. Anderson:
7th Ga., Col. W. W. White; 8th Ga., Col. John R. Towers;
9th Ga., Col. Bejamin Beek; 11th Ga., Co.O F. H. Little;
69th Ga., Col. Jaek Brown. Brigade lo.s: k. 36; w, 186;
in, 25=247.'e Brade Brlg.-Ge.. Henry L.
Beaning: 31d Ga., Col. E. M. Butt: 15th Ga., Col. D. M.
Du Bose; 17th Ga.., Col. Wesley e. Hodges; 20th Ga.,
Col. J. D. Waddell. Brigade loss; k, 1 w, 5=6.

ARTtLLERY, Col. E. P. Alexander.
Leydea's Bttailion, Ma). A. Leyden: (Ia. Battery,
Capt. Tyler M. Peeples; Ga. Battery, Capt. A. M. Woli-
hina;  a. Battery, Catit. B. W. York. Alenadrs B1t-
talio-, Miaj. Frank Huger: La. Battery, Calit. (;. V.
Moody; Va. Battery, Capt. W. W. Fickliag; Va. Battery.
Capt. Tylhr C. Jordan; Va. Batti-ry, (alit. William W.
Parker; Va. Battery, Capt. Osmotid B. Tiiylor; Va. Bat-
tery, Capt. Pichigr WMoolfolk, Jr. Artillery loss: k, 2;
w, 2=4.
BucK, En's ttlvsto., , Brig.-Gen. Bushrod B. Johnson.
Graie's Brigade. Brig.-Gou. Arehibald Gracie, Jr.: 41st
Ala., Lleut.-0ol. T. G. Trimmuier; 43d Ala., Col. Y. t1.
Moody; 59thAla., Lieut.-Col. J. D. MLennan; aOth Ala.,
CoL J. W. A. Satiforl. Brigaide iss.: k, 1; w, 1= 2.
Johnson's Brigade, Ctd. Jolii, S. Fultost: 17th and 2:1
Tent., L-ut.-Col. W. W. Floyd; 25th atid 44th Tenii.,
Liet.-Col. J. L. MeEwen, Jr.; Cad Teni.., MIaj. J. A.
AMken. Brigade loss: k, 2; w, 19 = 21.
CAVALRY CORPS, Maj.-Geti. Joselh Wheeler, MiJ.-
   .en. William T. Martin.
 Dieision commanders: Maj.-Gen. Witliaam T. Martin,
 Brig.-Gen's F. C. Armstrong and John T. Morgan.
 Brigade co.aimoders: Colonels Thonu. Harrison, A.
 A. Russell, C. C. Crews, and George G. Dibreil. Troops:
 Parts of 4th, 8th, 9th, and 11th Te.i.... 1st, 2d, d, 4th, sad
 6th Ga., 1st, 3d, 4th, 7th, and 1ist Ala., 3d Ark., 8th and
 11th Tex,. and l1t and 8th Confederate regiments,
 and Wigglns's Battery. Cavalry loss (tetimated): k,
 w and in, 200.
 Jo-.', Brigade, Brig.-44ea. William E. Joites: 8th Vai.,
 Col. James M. C.rt-s; 21st Va.,-; 27th Va. Bat-
 talion.,    34th Vii. Battalion, Col. V. A. Witeher;
36th Va. Ba.ttallon, - ;  7th Va. Battalion,  . Gilt-
,-'r's Brigade, Col. H. L. Giltiier: 16th Ga. Battalion,
Maj. E. Y. Clark; 4th Ky., 31ij. N. Parker; loth Ky.,
Lieut.-Col. Edwin Triiibleb; 1st Tenn., Col. James E.
Carter; 64th Va., Cal. Campbell Slenmp; Va. Battery,
Capt. William N. Lowry.
The total Confederate loss (minus the cavalry, not r--
ported) was 182 killed, 768 wounded, and 192 captured
or missing = 1142. The loss In the cavalry is estimated
at 250.
The effective strength of the forces under Longstreet'S
command probably numbered 20,00.

 Jhnei November 26thi-2Stih.     j Joined November 27tl-28tib.