The Kentucky Kernel


M. C.


No. 5

LEXINGTON, KY., OCT. 24, 1919



President McVey Urges All
to Make Liberal
Y. M. C. A. Campaign
the University to raise $4,000 to
finance the "Y" work until November,
1920, began on the campus Wednesday
President McVey explained the objects of the "Y" to the student body in
Chapel Tuesday and told of the work
that the Y. M. C. A. has done. He
urged the men to make liberal contributions that the work may be continued during the ensuing year.
Our campaign is being conducted
simultaneously with the Transylvania,
city and state campaigns and is to bo
the only Y. M. C. A. campaign held
for the purpose of raising funds until
November, 1920.
Plans for the campaign were made
at a dinner at the Phoenix Monday,
where Professor W. E. Freeman, of
the Engineering College, expressed
confidence that the University would
raise its quota of 4,000 before Friday

The annual




life-savin- g

from journalism conference. CIRCUS PERFORMANCE

Miss Margaret McLauglilin returned
Monday from n conference of the
American Association of Teachers of
Journalism held last Thursday, Friday
and Saturday at Ann Arbor. Miss
McLaughlin had the distinction of being the only woman delegate representing a university. Every university
end college having a Department of
Journalism was represented at the
The next annual meeting of the Association will take place at Baton
Rouge, Louisiana, during the Christmas holidays. This time was chosen
in order that more press teachers
might conveniently attend the conference.

Plans for the
which is to be held November 19, were
discussed at the meeting of the Agri
culture Society on Monday evening at
7:30 o'clock in the Agricultural Building.
The following program was also presented: "Research Work in a Packing
House," by Joseph Gayle; "The
Reciter," by Miss Mary
Turner; "Experience in Extension
Work," Miss Angle Hill; and "Bits of
Local Color," Smith Gill. An interesting program has been arranged for
the next meeting, which will be Monday, October 28.
live-stoc- k

Over-Worke- d

White Mathematics Club.

Jesse Osborne gave a discussion on
"Mathematical Discontinuities" at a
meeting of the White Mathematics
Club Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock
in Room 310 of the Civil and Physics
Building. At the meeting next Tues
day, Profesor J. M. Davis will speak.


Democratic Club.
The Democratic Club met in Chapel
at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday evening. Virgil
Chapman, a former law student in the
University, as the speaker of the even
ing, sought to arouse enthusiasm and
interest in the students for Governor
Black in the coming election.
At the last meeting of the Philo- sophians held Wednesday evening,
October 15, a series of modern war
poems was discussed by Miss Roberta
Thornton. Plans for the memorable
circus, an annual event in the
calendar, were laid; side
shows, monstrosities, clowns, tight
rope walker and Mattie the Monk all
will perform in the great sawdust
ring in the Rec Hall, Saturday night.
A committee was appointed to secure a room in the Armory for the
society's use if possible.
The Horace Mann Society had their
regular meeting last Thursday evening
A compre
in Professor Noe's room.
hensive talk on "The Present Steel
Strikers" was given by Lucy Dean.
Inez Whitlow continued the discussion
of early English literature, the study
Phllo-sophia- n

Henry Clay Law Society held its
first regular meeting last Thursday
evening at 7:30 o'clock in the Natural Science Building. Those present
were entertained by a discussion of
the question, "Resolved: That it would
bo benoficial to the United States to
adopt the League Covenant as It now


(Continued on Pace 2)

gives demonstration

Urges Knowledge of Swimming and
Instruction in Schools

Has Distinction of Being Only Woman
Delegate Representing University.

Professor Freeman has charge of
both the Kentucky and Transylvania
campaigns. The campaign team that
Is soliciting the faculty is composed of
Professors 'P. E. Karraker, E. S. Good,
W. T. Anderson and T. R. Bryant, of
the College of Agriculture; W. L.
Summers, of the College of Law; C.
C. Skull, J. J. Tigert, H. H. Downing,
of the College of Arts and Science,
and E. A. Bureau, W. A. Newman
and W. E. Freeman, of the College of
The student campaign team is headed by Robert Raible, student treasurer
of the University Y. M. 9. A. Jesse
Tnpp is directing the campaign in the
College of Agriculture; J. P. Barnes,
the College of Arts and Science; M.
J. MoWhorter, the College of Engineering, and Ed. L. Dabney, the College of Law. Each college chairman
has class chairmen working with him.

The question was ably aflirmed by
Messrs. Dabney and Haley, while It
was stoutly denied by Messrs. Slagle
and Puryear. Strong arguments were
presented by both sides and much
lleht was thrown upon the subject.
The judges, after due deliberation, decided In favor of the affirmative.



Circus With Side
Shows and Menagerie at
Patterson Hall

"The easiest way to drown is to A Large Number Will Enter
Try-Ou- ts
on Amateur
stretch your hands heavenward, open
your mount wide and holler HELP
said Commodore W. E. Longfellow In
Saturday night from 7:30 till 11 Chapol Tuesday. The students were
o'clock, Patterson Hall will be a scene most fortunate In hearing Commodore
of hilarity and fun. The Recreation Longfellow, who Is a
With the view of ascertaining the
Hall will be converted into a circus of the American Red Cross from dramatic ability of the new students
ground, with a "sure 'nuf" sawdust Washington, D. C.
of the University and of choosing from
ring, and all the usual trimmings and
Assisted by Carter Haley, of Lexing- the number those whose histrionic
demonstra- talent is most marked, a preliminary
some unusual ones. Many rumors are ton, lie gave
afloat concerning the remarkable me- tions showing methods of rescue work
will be held in Chapel Wednesnagerie which the Philosophians have for land and water. "That
day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. All stusystem of knocking a drowning dents desiring to participate in the
produced for this occasion, and it is
said that the side shows which will man senseless when attempting to
must hand in the names of
include fortune tellers, snake charm- save his life is no longer approved," their selections to Emery Frazier,
ers, magicians, midgits and other said he. Then he explained other and Herndon Evans, Donald Dinning or
strange and curious monsters, will
hotter methodsof breaking the "death-grip- Miss Martha Buckman, by Wednesday
any seen here in former years.
and demonstrated the best meth- noon.
The Entertainment Committee, Miss ods of resusitation.
A large number of entrees have
Margaret Woll as chairman, is planCommodore Longfellow pointed out already been scheduled, with "qualning a "big time" for all the girls of to the students the vital necessity of ity" obvious as well as "quantity,"
the University, who are cordially in a knowledge of swimming and illus making prospects good for the biggest
vited and even urged by the commit trated his points with many swimming Amateur Night the Strollers have
tee to come Saturday night. Miss anecdotes. "Every school should have ever had.
Louise Mayer, chairman of the Re- swimming tanks where this most
All students accepted on
freshment Committee, guarantees that necessary art may be taught to all afternoon wil be considered members
no one shall go away hungry because the students," he said.
of the Strollers and eligible to
Circus Day eats
for the cast of the Stroller play. The
for all.
best peppiest" and most appealing seThe main purpose of the entertain- SOCIAL WILL FOLLOW
lections will be chosen for the proment is to arouse interest in the
gram Amateur Night. Prizes of five
Literary Society and to endollars each will be awarded the best
courage a greater number of the new
individual act, and best team act, as
girls to write papers as applications
chosen by the judges, Professor Gre-hafor entrance to the society.
Wayne Haffler, Fred Augsburg,
Y Secretary Presents Plans Milton Revill, Mary Elizabeth James,
for Future Joint MeetMiss Young and Alene Fratman.
A new feature of Amateur Night,
as announced by Dean Melcher at the
beginning of the week, will be the
social and dance to be held after the
A large attendance, good speakers,
program in Buell Armory. Everybody
"Y" Members Hear Inter- special music and a social hour with invited!
refreshments served will be the feaesting Talk on "Religion
tures of the joint meetings of the Y.
and Life"
M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., which are
Parlor and dining room chairs and to be held every Sunday evening at GIVEN PEN SENTENCES
even old divans which for years have Patterson Hall. Secretary R. W. Owens
The following Associated Press disoccupied a place against the wall in at the meeting of the two associations
held at Patterson Hall Sunday even patch from iChrlstiansburg, Va., is of.
the Recreation Hall of Patterson Hall,
were dragged into use to accommodate ing presented the plans which have vital interest to University men:
"Four students at Virginia
the largo attendance at the joint meet- been worked out by the two cabinets
Institute were found guilty of
"Since our ideals and alms are iden
ing of the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A.
Sunday evening. Professor Noe was tical," said Mr. Owens, "the cabinets assault by a Montgomery county juxy
because of participation in a hazing
the speaker and the meeting was led have decided that greater
and better meetings can be obtained episode at the school last Spring, and
by Miss Mary Archer Bell.
A beautiful solo, "Face to Face," through joint meetings. The speakers Bernard Siegel, of Newport News, one
was sung by Miss Sarah Metcalf will be selected from both assocl of tho number, was sentenced to a
Piper, who was accompanied by Miss ations. They will be chosen from the year In tho penitentiary. John Fox, a
Martha Pollitt.
The plans, formu- faculty, from men prominent in re- Freshman at the Institution at the
lated by the two cabinets for joint ligion and from out of town men and time, testified during the trial that inmeetings, were presented by Mr. R. W. women aud will speak on subjects that juries ho sustained at the hands of
There tho four, who were Sophomores, resultOwens, Student Secretary of tho Y. will bo of mutual Interests.
C. A. Professor Noe spoke on tho will bo good music which will bo In ed in paralysis of his spine.
"The three other students, Robert
subject of "Religion and Life," em- charge of the Program Committee of
E. Wure, Dunneville, Va.; George W.
phasizing that religion, the funda- the Y. W. C. A.
"A social hour at which refresh- Scott, Jr., Richmond, and Albert G.
mental element In developing charments will be served will follow the Copelaud, Wyanoke, Va., received reacter, was one of the requisites to
It will bo in spectively sentences of six months In
dovotlonal services.
Kraft, jail, thirty days in jail and $50 fine.
of Miss Elizabeth
Miss Louise Will and Mr. J. P. charge
"Fox said that Siegel had pounded
Barnes, chairmen of the World Citizen- Chairman of the Social Committee,
to him In tho small of the back with a
who will appoint
ship Committees of the two Associations, will have charge of tho program help furnish entertainment. The time bed slat, and that the other three did
the same, but had not used so much
next Sunday evening. Dr. Fortune will appointed for the meeting Is from
p. m."
be the speaker.




ex-ce- ll





