I Q I G I®§l€I‘§I 6,
  El`! SI l` Z    
» 48 East Main Street,
_  ‘ Phone 468, LEXING'1`()N» KY. '
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Aianouncernent pg
. · ` L To the Holiday Trade for 1899. I
\V e are determined to make this the biggest season we have
2 ever known. \Vith this.end i11 view we are offering special
  inducements to the trade, as for insta11ce:
  IO per cent off 011 all new books. All the others charge you
  full price. i
  Sole Agents for
  G lumbia Graphnphmms
`· From $5.00 to $|OO.
 ° An ideal Christmas present. Our $IOO machine is the best
ever built. A full line of all kinds of holiday goods.
  · Dies l°¢I‘ Embossing, EIIQYGVQCI £di°€l
‘»»‘  and me stationery, _
z the best SllO\\’11 i11 this part of the state.
  \Ve claim and have always shown that we keep up
Fil with styles and new ideas, thus, if it comes from us
li  it is ALL RIGHT. Come and see, even if you d0n't
f buy.- The only Stationery Store in Lexington that
  will take Periodical Tickets with CAS11 PU1