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 ;‘ I·`l I`. \\'<- lmvo rt·pr¢·st·11t-t·d iu our stock the product of the brains and skill ol` L
L tht- world`s lwst l`:1I>ri(· 1ll2lllIli'2l('I-llPOTS, and in worlunausliip the liighestr product
I of .—\mt·rit·:u¤ intt·lligt·mee. 'I‘Iwst· <·omI>im·'l`lllN(l. ll.-\'l`S, FIVIOES and FUHXISIIINHS
, ._   —:1l\v:rys Llw IIICHT ol' t-voi·yt.I1i11g, t
l_  ‘ }Il·]N’S SI`I'l‘s $7.5u to $25.00; MENS O\'EIt(`(>.\Tl`S, $5.00 to $28.00. (
I  Solo .\;;t·nt.s for IIAN.»\N’S SIIUICS, $5.00; \\'.\ LK-t>\'I·]I{ SIIt>I·]>t. $:s.F>