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5*} . Norris.
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» i  Coal is still going up (in smoke.)
{   A Prep, is always a Hrst-class man.
ini ` Bobby Reese spent a few days in the city recently.
Hi Major jones prefers boys and letter paper well ruled. i
  ‘ "A coat may not make a man, but it may break him." (
1 * ` Every dog has its day, even fried eggs have ro await their i (
`   " turn.
l`  "College men never graduate in a hurry, they do it by r
 ‘*_ 5 i degrees," I
-   . The kissing bug is not in it since Hobson moved into the
K   dormitory. _
    "It is always the most promising young man who gets
  ‘ into debt.’ ’ ·
  V Spanton is high-minded. He is always thinking about _
‘   ~ High street.
  _` Some one said that Coffee should be taken up to the `
if Q Mills and be ground.
i, l:`· ,
  r ? The College should put an elevator in the old dormitory, `
E if the Mills do any business.
ri The second division of the old dormitory is doing big 1
X; l ` business with its two Mills in it.
  4 The State College is blest with strong coffee (Coffey.) It
  " can walk up three flights of stairs _
.  . Uncle joe Morrow is not back this year, but Charley i
A  i _ A Treas can mark time for the battallion.
,1   One of the boys of the dormitory is a remarkable fellow. .
l    He has been known to turn a glass of beer into a man.
i   New Stude.——"Did you ever see a coat spring?"
l Vg; Old Stude.——"No; did you ever hear a foot ball?" (bawl.)
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