. * " »
M    ti
Hon. Cecil Reid is in Lexington spending a few days · ii    
with his old friends. He is on his way to Danville, where he ‘ ·  
is going to further his already rapid strides towards the bar. Z ,  
Miss Up-Start.——"D1d you ever hear a day break?" Y,     "
Mr. Wise.-—"No; but I’ve seen a night fal1."   A * ·
Stude.-·"What is your favorite city, Brooks?" . ,
Brooks.-"Troy." , ‘
Quite a number of State College students move in high  
, (tall) circles, such as Graham, Mills, Hoeing, and a few   is I
i others.   `   K.
Friends of Prof. Sheron will be delighted to know that   g
·  he has once more resumed his duties, after a severe spell of   f l
One of the students who was employed as clerk before he    
came to the college, continues to yell "cash!" when he hears   _!
the class bell.   .
O Prof. McKenzie to class.-——"\Vhat is the oldest college in    
Europe?"     _
, Grady.-—"Cornell."   ‘  
i Officer of the day to Professor in Geography.——"Where is ii   _
Gilliland?"   » .
Y Bright Stude.—-"That land must he in Cuba."    
C Stude——"\Vhat makes you think Smith is an idle (idol)   1 ‘ ‘,
worshipper?"   {
FreShie——-"Because he goes to church when he has noth- 'g ’
ing else to do." . "
V Professor in Latin.——"l~`or what was Czeser noted?" t
Student.—"For his strength. He threw a bridge across _, t
the Rhine." I { _
A Professor.—"\Vhat makes the boys always sing "Tele—  
phone my Baby,’ between classes?" , , 3
Prof. VVit.——"They hear the class bell in the room and ·· I
think it is a telephone? 4
. ; ` ,
s ’.·
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