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Paragraph 6-
The Marking System. Results of work will be recorded in the Registrar’s ]
Oflice as follows: ]
A-Exceptionally high quality, valued at 4 points for each credit. ‘
B—G0od, valued at 3 points for each credit. ,
C — Fair, valued at 2 points for each credit. I
D - Barely satisfactory, valued at 1 point for each credit. »
E — Failure, valued at O credits and O points. .
I — Incomplete.
X —— Absent from examination.
WP — Withdrew, passing.
WF — Withdrew, failing.
S — Satisfactory workin progress (graduate independent work courses only).
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Paragraph 4-
The standing of a student is defined as the ratio of his total number of
points to his total number of credits. For example, a student who makes an
average mark of C in 128 credits, would have 256 points and a standing of 2.0.
An average mark of B would give the student 384 points and 128 credit hours,
and a standing of 8.0. “Standing” is understood to be the ratio of the number
of points gained to the number of credits attempted.
Paragraph 6-
In computing standings for all university purposes a WF shall be treated
as an E and a VVP shall be ignored. An I or X shall be counted as an E for
purposes of computing graduation standing, but shall not be counted in com-
puting probation standing until the final grade is entered.
An I, X or E grade will not be counted in computing standing for gradua-
tion if the student has repeated the course and made a passing grade.
Paragraph IO-
Undergraduate Colleges. To be eligible for graduation from any under-
graduate college of the University, a student must have completed the require-
ments of the curriculum as approved by the University Faculty. In addition to
gaining the specified number of credits he must have twice that number of
quality points—that is, a standing of 2.0—computed on all courses in which he
registered at the University. The term "Undergraduate Colleges” shall not in-
clude the College of Law. To be eligible for graduation from the College of
Law the student must have completed the requirements of the curriculum in
which enrolled as approved by the University Faculty and in addition to gain-
ing the minimum number of credits, he must have at least twice that number
of quality points, acquired in courses approved by the Law Faculty as counted
toward the degree for which he is a candidate.
Throughout the University catalog one point (1.0) shall be added
where a point standing requirement is indicated.