Public Law 550 (Korean GI BILL) provides educational benefits for
honorably discharged veterans who have served a minimum of 90 days in the
armed forces after ]une 27, 1950.
Veterans who plan to enter the University of Kentucky under Public Law
550 (Korean GI Bill) should apply to the V. A. Office where their records
are located for a Certificate of Education and Training. This should be done
prior to registration date at the University of Kentucky. The Certificate of
Education and Training is evidence of entitlement to educational benefits
under Public Law 550. It should be presented to the University Personnel
Office, Veterans' Division, at the time of enrollment. Since Public Law 550
provides that all benefits be paid directly to. the veteran, the veteran must
arrange for payment of his own fees just as any non-veteran would do.
The University has adopted certain rules and regulations and has made
certain provisions designed to bring about the best adjustment between the in-
stitution and the student and to insure the fullest development of the latter,
intellectually, spiritually, and physically. Registration by a student carries with
it the obligation to cooperate to the fullest extent in observing the regulations
and traditions of the institution, in making the most of the state’s investment
in him, and in furthering the welfare of the University.
Rules Affecting the Student
The following list of rules does not include all of the regulations of the
University, but only the most important of those relating to studies, examina-
tions, attendance, and discipline.
Student Load. During any semester the maximum load to be carried by
any undergraduate student without special pemiission (including both residence
and extension courses) shall not exceed either one-eighth of the curriculum
requirement for graduation, plus two semester hours, or the amount specified in
the curriculum for the particular semester, whichever is larger.
A student with a standing of 2.0 or more for the preceding semester,
or a beginning freshman ranking in the upper 25 per cent on the University
classification tests, may carry extra work with the approval of his dean, pro-
vided that the amount of extra work shall in no case exceed two semester hours
or the total load exceed twenty-three semester hours.
The maximum load of work for a summer session (including both residence
and extension) shall in no case exceed half of that which would be allowed for
a semester. Two short courses of four weeks or less in length shall not be car-
ried concurrently either by undergraduate or graduate students.
In all cases a correspondence course shall be considered as carried during
the semester or summer session during which the last assignment is completed,
and it shall be counted as a part of the load of that semester or summer session.
Auditors or Visitors. No instructor is authorized to admit an auditor to any
of his classes except on presentation of an auditor’s card from the Registrar's
OHice. A student who visits a class as an auditor is not allowed an examination
for credit.