» HK B e a t
Three Faculty Members iwin Takes Job Flexibility
Are Fulbright Scholars to washington
The Prestigious huihright Sehoiar Prograrn is the riagsh-iP i-nterna‘ The UK Institute for Workplace Innovation   is goi.ng national
tionai exehemge Progiarn oi-the United States md Provides grants with its ideas on workplace Flexibility ]ennii-er Swanberg, iwin execu-
vvhieh a·l·ioW distinguished aeadernies te sPend extended Periods of tive director, was invited to the White House by President Barack
time stmivihg md tesehihg st ieteigh tmivetsities- The Fiiihtight Pm- Obama anti {-Lrst lady Mieneue Obama tp participate in a Forum on
gram is sponsored by the US. Department of- State Bureau of-Educa- Workplace lilexih il itv
tiona·i md Cuituiai Aiisits- APProXl-rnateiY i»250 US iaeu-itY md The group discussed the importance of- creating workplace practices
prof-essionals received Fulbright Scholar or Fulbright Specialist grants that allovvArnericas vvorlring rnen and vvornen to have a better
to teach and conduct research abroad duri.ng the 2009-20 I 0 academic vvorlr/life halance_ The {orurn, organized bv the White House Council
Year The three UK T-aeuitY rnernhers vvhe are huihright $eh¤is·—ts¤ on Women and Girls, vims a.n opportunity for laborleaders, chief- exec-
' Ciaudia M· i_ioPenhaYn» assoeiate Proressor ih the UK Coiiege of utives, smal.l business owners and policy experts to share ideas and
Puhiie irieaiths D ePartrnent or-EPidernioiogY sPent $e1¤temi> et strategies for maki.ng the workplace more Flexible for American work-
2009 to ]anuary 20 I 0 at the University of- San Francisco campus ers and farnilies
in Qjtin Eemidet Heihehhsvh ieethted mid tesestehed Oh the iwin is a epuabpiatipn between the UK epuegee of Social Went,
toPies orenvironrnentai md oeeuPationai ePidernioiogY and the Busi.ness & Economics, and Public Health that conducts research on
Potentiai or-short‘terrn rnedieai outreaeh triPs· the 2lst century work environment and educates and engages Ken-
' Randal-i Roordas assoeiate PFOTFSSOF ih the UK Coiiege or-Arts & tucky busi.nesses in the implementation of-innovative workplace prac-
Sciences, Department of- English, and former director of- the UK tices_ Businesses can vvorlr vvith ivvin through participating in
Wfifmg Pmgfame SPED? S€P'f€Hil>€i' Y0 D€€€Hib€i' 2009 i-U Bi'i2O» workplace-based research, its Innovative Employer Roundtable, educa-
Czech Republic. Roorda lectured on “Teaching a Sustai.nable Lit- tional vvorlrshops and \5(kbi_nars or through organizational co nsulting_
eracy in English,) at Masaryk University
• Wi.l.liam]. Silvia, rof-essor in the UK Colle e of-A riculture, De-
partment of-Anirhal and Food Sciences, wagin Sanga Rosa, Ar-   k O n          
gentina, through Mav in Argentina, Silvia lectured on irnproving ]oe Peek, prof-essor of-Hnance in the Gatton College of-Business
the reproductive performance ofdairv covvs at the National Uni. Sc Economics, has been elected by the university faculty as a {ac-
versitv o{La pauipa ulty representative to the UK Board of Trustees for a three-year
term, which will expire ]une 30, 2013. Peekjoins Everett McCor-
      U   vey, prof-essor in th‘i1C;llegLer of-Fine Arts, as one of-two faculty
, [E fESE1'llZ3lZ1VES OH E O3!] .
Research Professorships P
Five f-acul members have been awarded Universit Research Pro- •
f-essorships gr 2010-11, which carry a $40,000 awarcllto support re-   I       n g       m m    
searcir UK President Lee T2 Todd]; unveiled 11 new projects designed
. Kimberly watii Anderson, Giu Eminent ptpieeept of-Chemical te iiiteetiv imimet the eitmiitv eiiiie ih Kehttiehv
Engineering, Coiiege Oi`Engineeri-ng, Plans ro expand her research VT-l'1E PfOjEClZS, dESlgIl3lZEd 3S DEW (P/OH1II1OIlWE3.llZll (P/Oll3l`)O[3lZlVES,
on the i.nteractions preeue anti proteins with syntlietie interi-aces sim te imihmve he¢·—ith» edu°ati°“» eemmmie 1¤me¤t» the ehvi-
to investigate the physical properties of- cancer cells and their role ronrnent and dua·iitY oi-iii-e· The Proleets Wdi teeeive $iO»0OO rrorn
in rnerasrasis_ the president and provost’s discretionary f-unds i.n addition to {und-
. Su.mit Ranjan Dae, professor in the Department prpnyeiee et As- me thev sitemiv msv have item ethet semees-
tronomv College of- Arts Sc Sciences, will use his professorship to hrorn assisting ih ieh ereation PY retooiing and redi-reeting the
advance the universirvg Ongoing research     string theory llOLlSEl`)O3lZ IH3.\'lLlT-3ClZLlfl.\'lg i.ndustry 3IOLlHd SOIHEISEE,   to SECLU?
ro cosmology and critical Phenomenal   3 IH3SlZEf plan for   3IlZ 3.lOHg lZhE LEg3Cy   3 9·H]l.lE P3lZll
. Pradvurnina   "Pau_l" Man, Professor   the Depaarrrnenr Oi`GeOg_ l`)ElZWEEH LTOWHEOWH LEXlHglZOH 31'ld lZllE HOISE P3fl{, lZllE COIHIHOH·
  Coiiege Oi`Arrs & Sciences,   investigate the rranSfOrrna_ WE3.llZll (P/Oll3l`)O[3lZlVES 3fE 3.lSO 3l.l'I1Ed 3lZ SOlVl.\'lg lZllE (IKEHYUCKY
rion Ofrhe   and socioeconomic landscape   the   UgllES:l 3 lZEfIH   USES to dESCfll`)E conditions lZl13lZ ll3VE   KEN-
. Stephen   Voss, associate PrO&ssOr   the Department Oi`Bi_ lZLlCl{y l`)3Cl{ for gEHEf3lZlOHS. (I VT-l'1E (P/OH1IHOIlWE3.llZll (P/Ol.l3l`)OlHlZlVES Utl-
Ologis College Oi‘Arrs Sc Sciences, Will use his award ro advance ge_ lize the universityes most innovative and creative thinkers to tackle
netic research on axolotl salamanders to study gene f-unction as it the stateis toughest Prohierns:) Todd saYs·
reiares re rissne regeneraricn The I I projectsjoin 36 others that Todd designated as Common-
. Sidney Waldo “Wally” Whiteheart, ptpieeept in the Department Wesith Ceiishetstives in 2006 md 2008-
Oi·MOiecniar and Ceilniar Bieiegy, UK Ceilege Oi·i\/[edicine, Wili For a list of-the newest collaborative, visit wwwukyedu/UE/CC/
USE   PIOT-ESSO[SlllP to E1'Lli3.\'lCE LlIldEfSlZ3.\'ld.lHg OT-Pl3lZElElZ SECfE·
tion in clotting i.n response to blood vessel damage.
www.uka|umni.net 9 ((