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2010 UK Football Schedule
Date Opponent Location
09/04/10 Louisville Louisville
09/1 1/10 Western Kentucky Lexington
09/18/10 Akron Lexington
09/25/10 Florida Gainesville, Fla.
10/02/10 Ole Miss Oxford, Miss.
10/09/10 Auburn Lexington U
se Your
10/16/10 South Carolina Lexington M b   B H I
10/23/10 Georgia Lexington em ers lp ene t'
*0/30/*0 Mlsslsslppl Slate Slallwlllel MBS- Wallet-size football schedules are available to
11/06/10 Charleston Southern Lexington members upon request. Call 859_257_89O5 Or
ll/lg/lo Vandelblll Lexlngwn 1-800-269-ALUM, or submit your request
ll/27/lo Tennessee KHOXVI Q’TQlm' online atwww.ukaIumni.net/membershiprequest
The schedule is subject to change.
Game times are set by TV coverage and, as such, times are
generally not finalized until a week or so prior to the game.
Your Qvlemories are worth it, H    VB m  E
Wear it wit/i pride! p
  students to UK.
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