
             Minutes of The Board Of Trustees     April 6, 1920.

    Minutes of the regular quarterly meeting of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky, for Tuesday, April 6, 1920.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in
regular quarterly session in the President's office at the Univer-
sity on Tuesday, April 6, 1920.   The following members were pres-
ent: Superintendent George Colvin, Commissioner W. C. Hanna,
T. L. Hornsby, Richard P. Ernst, Senator H. M. Froman, R. G. Gordon,
J. R. Rash, P. P. Johnston, Jr., J. I. Lyle, Richard C. Stoll,
James W. Turner, Rainey T. Wells, Frank McKee, and v. H. Grady.
Frank L. McVey, President of the University, and Wellington Patrick,
Secretary of the Board, were also present.

     (1) Adoption of Minutes,   The minutes of the meeting of the
Board of Trustees for December 18, 1919, and the minutes of the
Executive Committee for January, February and March, 1920, were
approved as published.

     (2)  Resignation of D. D. Slade,   President McVey called the
attention of the Board specifically to the action taken at the
meeting of the Executive Committee in March, with respect to the
resignation of D. D. Slade.   On motion by Mr. Turner, duly seconded,
the action of the Committee was approved by the Board.

     (3)  Insurance.   Attention was called specifically by Mr. Stoll
to the action of the Executive Committee on March 17, with respect
to insurance on buildings.   It was ordered that a statement be in-
corporated in the minutes to the effect that the authorized insur-
ance placed on various buildings was based on replacement values
submitted by the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds.    In the
case of two or three buildings where the authorized insurance was
placed higher than the replacement values given by the Superinten-
dent of Buildings and Grounds, the Committee ordered that a state-
ment be made in the minutes to the effect that in such instances
the Committee believed that the estimates submitted were too low.
A motion was made, seconded and adopted, placing the authorized in-
surance on Mechanical Hall at $65,000, and on the Administration
Building at $100,000.   The Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds
was asked to submit further information on the replacement value