
              Minutes Of The Board Of Trustees     April 6, 1920

fixed for Science Hall, this information to be submitted for the
next meeting of the Executive Committee.

    A motion was made by Senator Froman, that the Executive Com-
mittee be congratulated on the good work they had done on the insur-
ance of buildings and that the Committee be requested to reconsider
its action in placing the insurance thru one agency.  A substitute
motion was offered by Commissioner Hanna that the action of the Ex-
ecutive Committee in placing the insurance on buildings thru one
agency, be approved.  After discussion the substitute motion was

     (4) Appointmentst Resignations and Leaves of Absence.  The
following list of appointments, resignations and leaves of absence
was recommended by President McVey and on motion, approved by the


    Appointments of Charles A. Maham as State leader of county agents,
to be effective May 1, 1920, at a salary of $3,600 a year.

     Continuation of employment of J. W. Whitehouse, county agent,
Davies County, Kentucky, at a salary of $266 2/3 a month for a
period of twelve months, effective April 1, 1920.

     Continuation of employment of John Hunter, county agent, Allen
County, Kentucky, at a salary of $150 a month for a period of six
months, effective April 1, 1920.

     Appointment of J. B. Gardner, county agent, Calloway County,
Kentucky, at a salary of $2,000 a year for a period of twelve months,
effective March 1, 1920.

     Continuation of employment of Miss Minnie L. Hill, home demon-
stration agent, Logan County, Kentucky, at a salary of $129.16 2/3
a month for a period of twelve months, effective March 1, 1920.

     Appointment of W. E. Brohaugh as cow tester, Olkham County,
Kentucky, at a salary of $120 a month for a period of 2 14/15 months,
effective April 3, 1920.