from page 3)


my toes in, prct the jump on my mnn,
and hit him just ns hard as I could

every time the hall was snapped.
Never shall I forget how I felt the
day I started to work. I walked down
the street, lifted up my eyes to Heaven and asked God to give mc the
strength to lick that joh to a frazzle.
It didn't work. No, it was far more
strenuous than that. I went after
that joh the way Billy Sunday rocs
after souls or a terrier after a rat.
I asked no quarter and I pave none.
Every morning I landed in that cellar before nine o'clock and worked
ns hard as I could until one o'clock.
Then I took nn hour off for lunch at
which I nlways tried to relax completely, nnd followed luncheon with
n good brisk walk. At two o'clock I
started work again nnd kept It up
After dinuntil five or
ner, five days a week, I pue in not
less than three hours more, usually
studying. Saturday afternoons nnd
Sundays were for recreation only.
Every night I went to bed before
eleven o'clock, which was early for
mc, nnd I wntchced my health and
diet. Every night I was physicnlly
and mentally exhausted; but every
morning I was ready for another
fight. This was because I knew how
to nnd did relax nnd play at the
proper times.
And yet all the
How I worked!


I had a terrible feeling that I
was not mnkng any progress. I felt
like n marble sliding around nnd
around on a polished surface unnblc
to stop or control its destiny in any
wny. Everything I did was wrong.
None of my ideas would work. My
cursed me and my
sneered at mc. But I kept on, even though
I could not sec where I was going,
nnd, four months after I started I
received n promotion. I hnd licked
the job but did not know it. Eight
months' later I had licked the second
job. Then I got a chance to do something worth while lick n real tough
job. In(this third job I worked
who was really a remarkable man. It wns a wonderful experience which came to me because
of the way in which I hnd handled
the first jobs given mc.



Failure nnd Success
A little while ago, I said that I
laughed at my college companions
who were headed for trouble but
didn't know it. I did laugh then but
I can't laugh now.
Last week one of these men who
had a brilliant record in college came
to my office to ask me if I could help
He has been constantly emhim.
ployed by one large corporation which
has a monopoly in its field. His present snlary is $2,400 a year. He
knows nothing about business outside
of the one in which he has been engaged and no one but his present
employer can use his knowledge of

As Lasting As
The Memories



Ho could



i:iL vciuuiy iima u "U up a rcpuiauuu r r:ji
mc giccii T1 weiiuciu n
iui uuci
ity to schedule, so has the YELLOW TAXICAB COMPANY earned


local prestige for unfailing service to the public.


then if he had seen the' necessity for!
scrimping, but he did not sec it, and
today, with a wife nnd two children
dependent upon him for support, he)
is whipped. He must stay with his
present employer at whatever salary
this employer is willing to pay him
or start at the bottom in some other
lino of business. And ho is not 1
nancialjy in n position to take a
Another classmate, who
came in this week looking for a po- sition, has had three jobs with com- -'
panics which have failed.
times n sucker! Not a single day's
experience with n successful outfit
in all these years! What has he of
value to offer nn employer?
by nn act of Providence can cither
of these men every really amount to
Think what this means. Counting'
the pennies you can spend for lunch-- 1
con telling the children you can't
give them ten cents today" breaking
the news to the wife that the money
she hns saved during the past two
years for n vacation next summer
must uc used tins winter to tuy coal
tolling the church committee you
arc sorry but you really can't afford
to contribute to the deficit this year
silently cursing the people who
make demands for money which you
can't possibly meet daily growing
more bitter dreading to meet the

is a pen as imperishable

a fit companion of study

hours a ready tool for the brain that
thinks and the hand that writes.
days have
And when these
long since dropped .over the precipice
of life into the abyss of time, your
College Conklin Endura will still be
working for you an actuality surrounded by
$7.00 and $5.00.
Red, Black, Mahogany.
Fitted with
"the clip that can'tslip" or ring on cap.
Try one at your favorite supply


Yellow Cab and Transfer Co.


Phones 80 - 444

Up-To-Da- te

Courteous efficient barbers, modern,
and a friendly atmosphere will make your visits to the Leon-ar- d
a pleasure instead of task.

Our barbers are all men of long experience, who take a
fessional pride in giving you service better than most.





UnondiKonallH a" ttrpctuaUii umrauuca



KidcTs Confectionery

S. Lime

Get Your Sweets at

a Sweet Shop
We sire not making French pastry, but one trial at our pies
and cakes, will convince you that good old Kentucky
food has no equal. A full assortment of candies and
sandwiches at a reasonable price to the consumer and livable
profits to ourselves.
Excellent fountain drinks.






Lexington Laundry Co.

Phone 4779

Let us Fill Your Drug Needs
169 E. High Street

Another almost universal weakness
is lack of action. When we get an
idea see clearly something which
ought to be done we don't do anything about it. Fuss, fret, fume and
stew but do nothing. It is the same
in business as in college and politics.
The distaste for hard work which
most of us have is appalling. But
you can burn this into your heart today with a branging iron the United
States of America was built by men
vwho could think straight, face dis
agreeable facts without flinching and
give their lives, when necessary, to
accomplish their ends; and it is go
ing to be run in the future by the
same kind of men.
Don't Let Anyone Break Your Heart
To you fellows who were afraid
of failure even before I started talking about it and are scared to death
now, I want to say, "Don't worry."
The demand for the right kind of
men far exceeds the supply. The essentials of success in business are an
average brain, an open mind, courage, the determination to win. and a
capacity for sustained, hard work.
Knowing and obeying one law will
finnhlo vou to avoid business failure
That law is, "Don't ever put yourself
in a position where anyone can breaK
vour heart." Let me explain. .
If vou were startine: in a business
of your own today, you would do so
with one idea in mind to make
That is the fundamental
reason for business. No matter how
it looks on the surface or what he
says, everything that a good business
man does in business is done, in the
last analysis, to make money.
"good" business man, by the way, is
one who makes money; and a "poor"
business man is one who does not.
Now, then, you nre in business for
yourself with a few thousand dollars
capital partly saved by grubbing over
a period of several years and partly
borrowed from your mother-in-lawho got it from a life insurance company when her husband died. She
needs the income from her capital
If she doesn't
for living expenses.
get it, sho doesn't cat. You certainly
are going to make this capital earn
a profit or bust.
Your business grows and you need
an nssistant some one to help you
A young man comes
earn money.
to apply for the job. He takes off
hat and places it
carefully on your desk; removes his
overcoat and drapes it carefully over
a chair on which ho also places a
neatly folded silk neck scarf. Then
he seats himself carefully and announces that ho desires a position, a
career, if you please, and asks what
you can do for him. You are not very
much interested in him, never hnving
seen or heard of him before, but you
are very much interested in yourself
and your business and the order you
must get out before luncheon. What
are you going to do?
guaranteo his success? Doesn't it
depend upon his ability to make himself valuabo to you, to make money
for you, and upon business and political conditions over which you have
no control ? Certainly it does. What
is the answer?








Put This
On Your 1925 List


The confidence that

the people have in the dependable accuracy of YELLOW CABS,
justifies their title of SUPERIOR.

old crowd.
I can sec from the expression on
some faces that this thought of failure is not an attractive one. You fellows over there with the sickly grins
who are pitying me for a fool because
I think that you can possibly fail are
the ones, above all others, who are
headed for the existence I am talking
about. Those grins indicate to me a
lack of courage to FACE FACTS.
You think that because you have
gotten by easily so far fortune will
favor you in the future. This is not
true. You can't bluff in business, at
least, not at the start. The fellows
of my college generation were just
as able as you are. I have told you
what happened to some of them. The
men who have failed have done so
because their attitude was wrong.

of College Days- HERE

this particular business. When he
started with this company eleven
years ngo, his employers talked n
great deal about the wonderful future before him. They knew what
he wanted to hear and they told it
to him. During the first few years
he always had enough money to live

Shave 20c

Haircuts 40c
Try Our Bonticella Facial

Leonard Barber Shop
T. H. MAYBRIER, Proprietor
114 West Main Street

Ralph Jones

Carl Price

The first few times this happens,
you try to help these fellows by talking; to them as I am talking to you
now. But they know more than you
do you are not a REAL business
man they are educated in the modern schools, by gosh, and know how
to run a business right. In the end
say a few thousand loud
"Damns" (to yourself) and TELL

a ?tep ahrad
Keeping style trend aofJhe


sheim accomplishment Shoes that College men demand because they know
Florsheim is synonymous with good

thing to do is 'for you the
young mnn who wants to get ahead
in business to appreciate that you
are going to get out of business in
See the new Pig Skin English
tho long run just what you nre worth
and are in a position to take. Don't
Blucher Oxford A smart
ever ask an employer what ho is going to do for you. Let anything he
Spring style - - - may tell you about your wonderful
future in his business go in one ear
and immediately out of tho other.
Don't go hunting for n position or a
career. All you have (he right to
ask is one foot inside the door one
chance to prove that you can make
money for him. Get a JOB. Stick
East Main Near Lime
to that job, make good in it, lick it
to u frazzle. Don't work for money,
render a service and the money will
come as a reward for the service
Tho reward for service rendered
probably will not come as soon as you SasaszsasHsasasHs?
will think it should. This is natural.


Baynham Shoe Co.

(To He Continued

Next Week
