— 1 1949 First Semester
H September 12-14 Monday, 8:00 a. m. to Wednesday, 5:00 p. m.-
i Classification tests and physical examinations
  8 for all new undergraduate students .
§4 I5 September 15-17 Thursday, 8:00 a. m. to Saturday noon—Registra- .
*1 22 tion and classification of all students, accord-
Z8 29 .
  ____ ing to an alphabetical schedule (see p. 9)
I` September 19 Monday—Class work begins
Q September 24 Saturday—Last date one may enter an organized
Q class for the first semester
,1 12 October 14,15 Friday and Saturday—Peri0d for filing applica-
·8 lg tion for degree
526 Otb 24 M d L tdt d `th
  .... c 0 er on ay— as a e one may rop a course wi -
1 out a grade
ig November 24-28 Thursday, 8:00 a. m. to Monday, 8:00 a. m.-
TE · Thanksgiving holidays
8 lg December 17 Saturday noon--Christmas holidays begin
  23 1950
Q) January 3 Tuesday, 8:00 a. m.—Christmas holidays end
___ January 23-27 Monday through Friday—Final examinations
Lg] · January 27 Friday, 6:00 p. m.—End of First Semester
3 14
0 21 Second Semester 1
7   February 4 Saturday, 7:45 a. m.-Classification tests and
  ..,. physical examinations for all new under-
i graduate students
Tg Fgbfuafy 6, 7 Monday, 8:00 a. m. to Tuesday, 4:20 p. m.—Regis-
if tration and classification of all students, accord-
0 ll ing to an alphabetical schedule
Z   February 8 Wednesday—Class work begins
_ ___. F€bF¤Hry 14 Tuesday-Last date one may enter an organized
; class for the second semester
F'§ Mmh 3, 4 Friday and Saturday—Period for filing applica-
fj tion for degree
§ 2 ' March 13 Monday—Last date one may drop a course with-
Q Q3 out a grade
) 30 April 7—ll Friday, 8:00 a. m. to Tuesday, 8:00 a. m.—Easter
May 28 Sunday—Baccalaureate Services /·
May 30·JU¤e 3 Tuesday through Saturday—Final examinations
June 2 Friday—Eighty-Third Annual Commencement