* Beals, Wendell Everett, M.B.A., C.P.A., Assistant Professor of
;  Accounting _
* *Bean, Frank Dawson, A.B., Research Assistant
'  *Beard, Catherine, A.B., Instructor in English
~ Beck, Earl R., M.A., Ph.D., Visiting Assistant Professor of History,
,h Summer Session 1948 `
_ Beebe, Morris Wilson, M.S., Part—time Associate Professor of Metal-
V lurgical Engineering
  *Beers, Howard Wayland, M.S., Ph.D., Professor of Rural Sociology, ·
i Head of the Department of Rural Sociology
‘ *Bell, Clarence S., B.S. in Agr., Field Agent in Dairying, Agricul-
, ` tural Extension Division
Bell, Thomas, B.S., Part-time Instructor, University School
Bentley, Leora, B.S., Instructor in Home Economics
, Bergamo, Ralph, M.A., Instructor in English
_ Best, Harry, LL.B., M.A., Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of Sociology
Bigge, Adolph Edmund, M.A., Ph.D., Professor of German, Head
- of the Department of German Language and Literature
` Bills, Robert E., M.A., Ed.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology
Binkley, Harold, B.S. in Agr., Agriculture, Lafayette High School
i Binkley, Wendell Chester, M.S. in Agr., Field Agent in Coopera-
P tive Marketing, Agricultural Extension Division
’_ *Bishop, Charles E., B.S. in Agr., Assistant in Farm Management,
_ Agricultural Experiment Station ,
*Bisset, Eugenia, M.A., Part—time Instructor in Romance Languages
‘ Black, Ben Wather, M.A., Instructor in English
Black, Percy, M.S., Instructor in Sociology
Blanchet, Rose Marie, B.S., Assistant Chemist, Feed and Fertilizer,
Agricultural Experiment Station
Blue, James L., Jr., B.S in Agr., Field Agent in Cream Grading,
.4 Agricultural Extension Division
Blythe, David Knox, C.E., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering
Blyton, Gifford, M.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Speech, Depart-
ment of English
> Bondurant, John Harvey, M.S., Ph.D., Economist in Farm Eco-
nomics, Agricultural Experiment Station
Boone, Anna Bruce, M.A., Fourth Grade, University School
_ Bortner, Charles Eugene, M.S. in Agr., Associate Agronomist, Agri-
cultural Experiment Station
Bostick, Lew, B.S. in Com., Assistant Professor in the Department
of Athletics, Assistant Football Coach
` Boughton, Bessie M., A.B., B.S., Cataloging Assistant, University
A Library
\A3ower, William Clayton, M.A., LL.D., D.D., Part-time Professor of
» Sociology
  *See appended list of changes of status, p. 42&